Western Artists' Concepts of Soviet aircraft during the Cold War

Almost two years ago I still haven't found an article about "Soviet future helos" in my magazine collection, but fortunately I found the scan I sent to a friend years ago.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's the elusive Mil Mi-27 Super Hind!. I love that design :-*


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I have that Italeri Ferret model (plus the SR-75 and LHX) at home ready to be assembled after my retirement ;D
Yak-41 on the desk of Kuznetsov from 1989 edition of Soviet Military Power


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pometablava said:
Almost two years ago I still haven't found an article about "Soviet future helos" in my magazine collection, but fortunately I found the scan I sent to a friend years ago.

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's the elusive Mil Mi-27 Super Hind!. I love that design :-*

Probably the better name will be Apache-Hind :D Nice one :)
painstaking said:
Justo Miranda said:
From Reichdreams Nº19

how about this ?
(Italian source, 1955)

Aerei d'Oltre Cortina "Planes from Outer Curtain"

I enclose herewith the Italian text and my English translation. B)
According to the text the "MiG 19" has been shown in flight at the 1951 Tushino Air Show and entered in service two years later. ???

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG -19
“Barile Volante”

Caccia di linee certamente non ortodosse, il Mig-19 tradisce nel suo aspetto la discendenza dal tedesco Ta-183, e somiglia al Pulqui II argentino, che del progetto germanico è un diretto sviluppo. Inteso come successore del MiG-15, il MiG -19 deve aver trovato non poche difficoltà nella messa a punto, dato che gli è stato preferito come standard il MiG-17.
Dopo la clamorosa apparizione avvenuta a Tushino nel 1951, non si sentì più parlare del nuovo aviogetto fino ad un paio di anni più tardi, quando si ebbe qualche notizia circa l'immissione in reparto di un certo numero di esemplari. La velocità del MiG-19 dovrebbe essere dell'ordine dei 1200 Km/h.

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG -19
"Flying Barrel”

Surely a not orthodox shaped fighter, the MiG-19 betrays in its appearance the breed from the German Ta-183, and looks like the Argentine Pulqui II, a direct development of the German project. Supposed to be the successor of Mig-15, the MiG-19 should have found not a few difficulties in the set-up process, since the Mig-17 has been chosen instead as standard .
After the clamorous apparition occurred in Tushino in 1951, anything new has been heard about the new jetplane, up to a couple of years later, when news came about the introduction in the first line of a certain amount of models. The speed of MiG-19 should be in the range of 1200 Km/h.
Pentagon rendering of the Soviet's new Blackjack bomber carrying nuclear AS-15 cruise missiles

Artist's conception of Soviet Su-24 FENCER all-weather ground-attack aircraft entering service in 1974 w. attacking high-value fixed assets, such as air bases, primary mission.
Date taken: November 07, 1989
Artist's conception of Soviet Su-24 FENCER all-weather ground-attack aircraft entering service in 1974 w. attacking high-value fixed assets, such as air bases, primary mission.
Date taken: November 07, 1989
Artist's conception of Su-25 FROGFOOT Soviet attack (support & trainer) aircraft which became fully operational in 1984.
Date taken: November 07, 1989
Courtesy Google and Life Magazine
Our old friend from 1989 - "Postulated (contractor [Hughes] artist's conception) Soviet stealth strike aircraft for use against critical mil. targets such as command ctrs." - Overscan has posted it before, but there's one more rendering

Courtesy Google/LIFE/Time Inc.


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Dear Mr.Antonio,

I wanted to ask if you have more photo -3views from the Mig-29 Concept
to send.
Thank you
John Sioutis
I wanted to ask if you have more photo -3views from the Mig-29 Concept
to send.

I'll take a look and I'll email you later.

where did you find misidentification? these are actual 'search works' for MiG-29
where did you find misidentification? these are actual 'search works' for MiG-29

Hey, I think we'd better delete hesham's post to avoid still further confussion! ;D
This is the first-April freaky from: Czechoslovak magazine "Aero PK Revue", № 4-1994
photo-CIA (of course) ;D
author: John "Ap" Raille
In addition, two years ago Hesham asked: "I just ask, I see a design to MiG called MiG-55, is that a really
project or not? and if it is real, is it a stealth aircraft or not?. ",
Matej was as close to the truth when suggesting the Czech origin of the fake.


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Zizi6785 said:
Very interesting!
As old Aurora kits:

I ran across this drawing in an old Air Trails (circa 1950, IIRC):


  • (1950) MiG-19 'Super MIG' (01).jpg
    (1950) MiG-19 'Super MIG' (01).jpg
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Zizi6785 said:
Very interesting!
As old Aurora kits:

It is amazing the aircraft in the pictures has under its wings rockets that clearly resemble the US 5-in HVAR, don't you think?

Grumman projected a future Soviet VG fighter called "Fearless" as part of the F-14 program. Air International got confused and reported it as a real aircraft ;)
AW & ST also reported the Fearless in the early '70s. Does anyone know of any drawings of the Fearless? All I've seen is the description, which was a twin engined swing wing a/c possibly developed IIRC, from the MiG-23. Maybe even twin fins, it's been a while since I've seen one of the descriptions. Maybe it even looked like the F-14!

overscan said:
Grumman projected a future Soviet VG fighter called "Fearless" as part of the F-14 program. Air International got confused and reported it as a real aircraft ;)
Hi all - I ran across a couple of designs in an old "Air Trails" magazine from 1951. They're Soviet aircraft listed as an "unknown interceptor" and a "research jet". Can anyone here identify them a bit further?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Here are the drawings:


  • (03) Unknown (1951) Soviet Research Jet Plane (01).jpg
    (03) Unknown (1951) Soviet Research Jet Plane (01).jpg
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  • (03) Unknown (1951) Soviet Interceptor (01).jpg
    (03) Unknown (1951) Soviet Interceptor (01).jpg
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they are whiskey trails from Air Trails editor head
I'm getting some serious Ta-183 vibes from that drawing. The fictional "MiG-19" was a Ta-183 that someone slapped a nose radome on.

Kubinka - please mow your lawns.
I have a couple of drawings from period magazine, mostly Air Trails and Air Progress from the period of 1949 to 1952 that show the thinking at the time. Maybe Aurora got some of their ideas here.
The last drawing was done by Doug Rolfe, a noted aviation artist of the time. Notice how it looks somewhat similar to the Aurora artwork.


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    (1947) MiG.15bis (01).jpg
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    (1947) MiG 15 (10).jpg
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  • (1946) MiG.9bis (01).jpg
    (1946) MiG.9bis (01).jpg
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Recently Triton has been posting lots of 'artist's impressions' images from the cold war era DIA's Soviet Military Power annual report. The DIA has a special webpage detailing many of these pictures including some not at defenseimages.mil as part of their Smithsonian exhibition.



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overscan said:
laser tank that certainly existed only in the overheated imaginations of the US DIA.

well, not quite certainly...


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A lot of these photos found their way into the "Soviet Military Power" publications of the 80's. These publications were meant to facilitate the US military build-up during the same time, which I fully supported. When I began studying the comparative militaries of the US and Soviets and saw those huge SS-18s, 19s and 24's, the Typhoons and Akulas along with the Soviet conventional ground force numbers, I was worried the West would lose WWIII. I could not understand why MX wasn't being build in greater numbers, why the US did not have a missile as powerful as the SS-18.

Interesting to look back to that time ::)
Wow those paintings look really similar to this original painting I have hanging up on my wall. Found it about 8 years ago in the Washington DC area.


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pometablava said:
Also from "Avión" but from March 1956 issue.

This is an hypotetical nuclear powered bomber

Also the same project for my dear Pometablava,



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