Books from Harpia-Publishing

If you are looking for the latest information and undisclosed details - look no further this will be the definitive book
Hi guys ... I think I need to step in due to two reasons and THANK You "Krishna_j" that You made a few points clearer, since at first I was and still I am a bit surprised. :eek:

First of all, I was a bit surprised, confused and even annoyed with Your first statements , especially Your insisting on special weapons-charts or better descriptions; also You statement in regard to the lack of 3-side drawings or that not all types are shown in these special profiles sound more like a disappointment. Indeed it all (IMO) sounded as if You were disappointed since You expected some sort of the “Eierlegende Wollmilchsau” (! It’s a typical German colloquial phrase, for something (one thing, person, or problem-solving) is circumscribed, that only has advantages, that satisfies all needs all exemplified by an imaginary food animal, that has all the merits of various animals, namely a chicken (eggs), sheep (wool), cow (milk) and pigs (meat) … and that all on 256 pages for 35.95€. I hope You don’t mind this comparison, but that first of all is impossible, and second was not the intention of this book.

Even if I also mentioned Piotr's two-volumes project planned once for AIRtime – or at least had at first some hopes it would finally resurrect – , I'm sure You can’t really compare both. Even more I'm almost sure that close to nothing of the original manuscript was reused, since this book now is much more up to date, it ‘s intention is not to describe all types in long and exhausting text-passages in their history, gestation and so on.

The main intention was simply – at least as I understand the concept behind – to summarize, to sort and to present the most detailed, most up-to-date catalogue of all current and future aerial systems made by or under development of the Russian Aerospace Industry. For me a dream came true – and would beg something similar in such a detailed fashion would be possible for Chinese systems; I’m even jealous that Piotr is able to do such a thing on Russian systems, something I never could do for my topic in the same manner ! – since such a book was more than overdue … especially in comparison to Yefim Gordon’s nicely illustrated monster-books, with all their peculiarities, deficiencies, errors and so on. I do not want to go more in detail of how Yefim “researches” his books.

As such I finally get a clue on all these Hip-versions …and the subtypes of other types too and I receive all the information in regard to their avionics and other equipment … and that all on 256 pages for 35.95€. Even more – and here again I’m jealous – Piotr’s style of writing, his images and most of all insight and understanding into the scene and the topic due to his contacts and his experience is something I simply admire … In consequence I’m sure, Piotr could easily do a “bible” type on each and every type too and even more much better than anything on the market today … but that was simply not the intention of this book.

So, I’m more than happy and satisfied with this book and I’m eagerly awaiting part 2 next year. So please go and buy that book … and maybe we also get a Volume 3 with the Orbat, something that is missing too.

Deino said:
Hi guys ... I think I need to step in due to two reasons and THANK You "Krishna_j" that You made a few points clearer, since at first I was and still I am a bit surprised. :eek:

First of all, I was a bit surprised, confused and even annoyed with Your first statements , especially Your insisting on special weapons-charts

i am not sure if you read my posts/reviews fully on Russian Warplanes and am really puzzled why you need to be "annoyed" - perhaps if you are the author or someone closely associated with the design of the book ...then maybe

The argument can be extended next - to stating that pictures are also superfluous for this book - all the information purely in text form will suffice and the reader can "imagine" whatever he wants

- one of the lesser known but brilliant books from Harpia is Ian Shaw's Beyond the Horizon: The History of AEW&C Aircraft - its slipped a bit under the radar figuratively

i had the good fortune to meet the author Ian Shaw last year in Telford and buy the book during the book launch and discuss the structure and content - its a much more difficult topic to cover and interest but some of the charts , boxes and other graphics really compliment the book and whoever designed these needs a pat -

That said - some of these comments on this thread are diverting away from all the positives and the rich content in the book - so nothing further to add
In late April Harpia will publish a new series of books!
On 80 pages, but in the same format and layout we will cover topics that require less space.
As before, this series will include historical as well as contemporary topics.

For spring 2016 this will feature:

Iraqi Air Power Reborn (2004-2016)

Iraqi Air Power Reborn provides the most authoritative account of the Iraqi air arms in the years following Operation Iraqi Freedom. In the space of over a decade since Harpia Publishing presented its groundbreaking and ever-popular Iraqi Fighters, the Iraqi Air Force has undergone an unprecedented transformation. Having been almost entirely decimated by coalition air strikes in 2003, and during the insurgency that followed, Baghdad has set about rebuilding its air power from scratch. This book summarises the history of the Iraqi Air Force and its various incarnations until 2003 before detailing the efforts to establish a new-look Air Force, which began with training formations, before adding transport and reconnaissance squadrons, and finally attack and fighter squadrons - the latter now equipped with the Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon. Coverage also extends to Iraqi Army Aviation, and its various transport, special operations, armed reconnaissance and attack squadrons. Iraqi Army Aviation in particular has been blooded in the fighting that has plagued Iraq since the coalition invasion, and, using pilot testimonies and other sources, author Arnaud Delalande provides exhaustive coverage of successive campaigns waged by Iraqi air power against local and foreign insurgents, including the so-called Islamic State. As well as an overview of Iraq's air arsenal, therefore, this work also serves as a primer of the ongoing conflict within the country. A map of all current Iraqi air bases complements the comprehensive photographic coverage and a detailed order of battle is included, together with squadron patches. A full list is provided of aircraft serial numbers and attrition to all causes since 2004. Iraqi Air Power Reborn is one of the first books in an all-new format from Harpia Publishing. Those readers familiar with Harpia's previous titles will recognise the format, layout, and high-quality production standards. Compared to earlier Harpia titles, however, the new series are altogether more compact, running to a total of 80 pages, and enabling coverage of ‘smaller' themes. Of course, these books also retain the now-familiar in-depth coverage, painstaking research and lavish illustrations of their ‘bigger brothers'.

and Flashpoint China

From the South China Sea to the mountains of Nepal, the continued economic rise of the People s Republic of China has led to a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the region. As a result, the relationship between China and its neighbors, as well as with the United States and its allies, has become increasingly important for the future of the region and for the rest of the world. This uniquely compact yet comprehensive directory serves as a richly illustrated, in-depth analysis and overview of the most important conflicts in which China is currently involved and those that it is likely to be involved with in the future with a particular focus on People's Liberation Army air power. Few expected the advances in China s economy and military to be made so quickly. With the surprise collapse of the Soviet Union, a former common enemy was removed from the equation, focusing attention on differing systems of governance, competition in the realms of economics and security, and growing interdependence. While the strategic situation in the region and the interdependent relationships are dynamic and complicated, these themes are explained in clear terms by Andreas Rupprecht, a leading observer of Chinese aerospace and the country s military-industrial complex, and Tom Cooper, the co-authors of the highly regarded Modern Chinese Warplanes from the same publisher. Flashpoint China is one of the first books in an all-new format from Harpia Publishing. Those readers familiar with Harpia s previous titles will recognize the layout, color codes and high-quality paper. Compared to earlier Harpia titles, however, the new series are altogether more compact, running to a total of 80 pages, and enabling coverage of smaller themes. Of course, these books also retain the now-familiar in-depth coverage, painstaking research and lavish illustrations (around 75 in all) of their bigger brothers ."


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Gorgeous Cover by Tom Cooper - are there any war scenarios depicted ?
Krishna_j said:
Gorgeous Cover by Tom Cooper - are there any war scenarios depicted ?

To admit I try to avoid that term as good as possible; it's more a description of China's neighbours, the Situation along the borders, border issues and how they were solved or - in a few cases - still not. I also tried - but that seems to be cut quite short due to the limited space this booklet offers - to describe the historical background of each conflict.
Additionally it's a description of China's security concerns and its strategy ... and that under focus, what units are based close to what "hotspot".

I really don't like that term "war scenario", since even if China is surely deemed expanding its sphere of influence, it is expanding its capabilities and modernising its military both hardware-wise but also in terms of strategy it is surely interested the most in stable conditions in its area of influence ...

Ok sounds very exciting - look forward to the analysis and the launch of this new series
Thanks for Your reply !

And following some intense weeks of labour, the next round of updates is now back at Harpia ... and it seems as if we are indeed on the final meters ... ;)


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Harpia has again published some sample pages of the book:

Following on from Harpia Publishing’s acclaimed two-volume Russia’s Warplanes series, author Piotr Butowski takes on the subject of the myriad weapons that ensure these aircraft are a force to be reckoned with. For the first time in the English language, this volume presents a detailed account of all the types of weapon currently used on board Russian-made aircraft and helicopters, including Cold War-era munitions, the various weapons used by Russian aircraft during the Syrian campaign, and the latest precision-guided stores currently in development.

The contents of this work encompasses the strategic air-launched weapons that comprise a vital element of Russia’s nuclear forces, including little-known free-fall bombs, strategic and theatre-level air-to-surface missiles, and future projects such as exotic hypersonic weapons. Significant coverage is given over to the uniquely diverse range of tactical air-to-surface missiles, including details of their production, guidance methods and applications, with exhaustive tables of specifications. Study of Russian air-to-air missiles includes close-combat, medium-range and long-range types, while inclusion of helicopter-launched missiles extends the scope of the work to anti-armour weapons. As well as free-fall and guided bombs, offensive stores under scrutiny include rockets of all types, while a chapter on naval weapons includes important stores ranging from anti-submarine torpedoes and missiles to depth charges and various types of mine. Not neglected are the guns and gun pods that make up an important part of Russian aircraft’s arsenals.

Clearly written and illustrated with both photography and artworks, Russia’s Air-launched Weapons provides the most comprehensive single-volume study of its subject currently available. Drawing upon the author’s extensive research, declassified information, and interviews with specialists, it provides a plethora of data on a fascinating and important area of military study. This book is an essential addition for anyone interested in Soviet military aircraft and their use in combat and provides an ideal companion volume to Russia’s Warplanes volumes 1 and 2.


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And also the news for late 2017 ! :applause1:

  • EMB-312 Tucano - Brazil's turboprop success story (Joao Paulo Zeitoun Moralez) - Coming October 2017
  • Carrier Aviation in the 21st Century - Aircraft carriers and their units in detail (Thomas Newdick, editor) - Coming October 2017


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Deino said:
And also the news for late 2017 ! :applause1:

  • EMB-312 Tucano - Brazil's turboprop success story (Joao Paulo Zeitoun Moralez) - Coming October 2017
  • Carrier Aviation in the 21st Century - Aircraft carriers and their units in detail (Thomas Newdick, editor) - Coming October 2017

Looking forward to the Thomas Newdick book. B)
The news for Spring 2018 ;)
I’m proud to announce the release date for the long awaited and fully revised edition of the original book 'Modern Chinese Warplanes', released in 2012.

Part 1 on the Naval Aviation due out in April 2018, Part 2 on the PLAAF due in late 2018 .... .
So stay tuned, since there’s more to come ;)



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Deino said:
I’m proud to announce the release date for the long awaited and fully revised edition of the original book 'Modern Chinese Warplanes', released in 2012.

Part 1 on the Naval Aviation due out in April 2018, Part 2 on the PLAAF due in late 2018 .... .
So stay tuned, since there’s more to come ;)


Do these books render "Flashpoint China" obsolete? I figured that book was published as an update to the original "Modern Chinese Warplanes".
gatoraptor said:
Do these books render "Flashpoint China" obsolete? I figured that book was published as an update to the original "Modern Chinese Warplanes".

No surely not, it replaces the original MCW from 2012. In contrast FPC is a review of the border situation from China's point of view connected with a description of still open issues and an analysis of what assets the PLA has at hand in the certain Theater Commands.

As such these Orbat-tables are obsolete since the show the final standard prior to the 2017-initiated brigade/base-reform.

My next book is done ... available from April 26 on: And for those interested, here's an animated preview:


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Harlow Publishing said:
Some impressions from the printing of our two spring publications that took part earlier this week:
According to this tweet from Harpia, and if I understand it correctly, both books will be available in the US from mid June onwards.
I hope for all, that copyright issues won't threaten the publication.
I just found my first review :)

And I must admit, I am simply speechless. :D
And for all interested part 2 of the promised update

plus the regular 12-page animated preview:

... and for anyone interested, part 3 is already in the making.


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Deino said:
And for all interested part 2 of the promised update

plus the regular 12-page animated preview:

... and for anyone interested, part 3 is already in the making.

Looking good Deino, I for one cannot wait. B)
Krishna_j said:

Thanks and by the way HAPPY birthday (even if late) ... hope to see you at Telford this year.
Very good books of course,

and Harpia by Arabic means by English Military.
For anyone interested: Closely following and complementing the two recent books on the Chinese Naval Aviation (April 2018) and the regular Air Force (due out in October 2018), with this third volume on the Army Aviation all three major PLA branches are covered.

Hope you like them ;)


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Deino said:
And for all interested part 2 of the promised update

plus the regular 12-page animated preview:

... and for anyone interested, part 3 is already in the making.

I must admit; I need to be a bit nasty on a certain “unique” issue :mad:

A more or less well known member at several forums from India asked me for a review copy of my “Modern Chinese Warplane” book, with the offer, it would surely be of interest in India as well and that he would publish a review – maybe even several – in return ....

So, said, done ... in the meantime, several weeks have passed and now – after I asked him once again, what will become of his promise in return to the not quite cheap delivery to India – he answered not me, but secretly my publisher: In India, nobody wants a review on a book in which wrong maps showing India in the wrong borders were used or shown. :eek: ??? :-\

Again, he gave neither me nor the publisher an explanation but now I found this - forgive me - funny scheme:$15-million-fine-for-false-maps

Although it is explicitly stated in the text that these territories are "controversial" and that the book "explicitly" shows the Chinese view of things, it seems to be irrelevant. ;D

What a kindergarten ;)
Interesting to say the least - and a frivolous excuse on the maps some folks will do anything to get a freebie book !!
Krishna_j said:
Interesting to say the least - and a frivolous excuse on the maps some folks will do anything to get a freebie book !!

Probably I was too naïve, but what really annoys me is, that he promised a review and he must be aware of this strange "rule" already before he insisted several times - plus always promising - to send him the books for free in return for a review.

As such; I'm really annoyed by his blatant lie. If he would have given me a bad review due to this issue, due to the high price in India or due to other points he does not agree or the Indian side has a different perception and understanding, then fine, it would be his opinion,... but now I'm indeed - sorry to say so - really pissed off. :mad:

A very interesting read about the borders of India.
If the neighbouring Countries would impose a similar law - then you would be a "criminal" by default as soon as you would draw just any map of the region.
I just hope that my Countries neighbours will not fall back to the borders of some centuries ago - we would simply be erased from the maps :-(

Bad thing regarding the "freebies for review" - not new and not surprising though. I could add to the story my experience with a well renown publisher of British magazines... but it has nothing to do with "Secret Projects" of aircraft.
Krishna_j said:
Andreas - just ask him to return the book then ..

I think it's simply not worth ...
Hey, I got two very nice reviews:

The first from SAC at Facebook:

And the second one in the closed group "The Aviation Enthusiast Book Club" also at facebook:


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