
ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
26 May 2011
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I was in Kew and while rummaging in some tanker files (yes, yes, I know, it's getting to be a problem. I need a hobby) I found a reference to 28 cases of New Zealand whisky being flown to Ascension on a VC10 (that strengthened floor was good for something after all) or a Herk. This had been donated to the Task Force by an unnamed New Zealand businessman.

I've had a Google and poke around the net but can't find anything about it. Surely such a generous donation would not have gone unremarked at the time.

Any idea who this admirable chap could be?


According to the note it was New Zealand whisky. In 1982, almost certainly that means Willowbank Distiillery established in 1975 as the first Whisky distillery in New Zealand since they were prohibited in the 1870s. Their mainstream brands were Wilsons and 45 South.

At some point (in the 1980s?) they started selling the well-regarded Lammerlaw Single Malt Whisky.

It seems likely it was a private donation though and not mentioned in public. One obvious candidate would be the owners of the distillery.

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