Saxavord has been granted its CAA launch license.

SaxaVord granted spaceport licence by UK Civil Aviation Authority
December 17, 2023

Shetland is first UK spaceport for vertical rocket launches


We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded our spaceport licence by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Read on for all the details.

Looking forward to it Flyaway, it has been a long time coming. I have everything crossed that nothing goes wrong on launch day, though you can never tell with rockets these days they can be very strange.
Should think so Grey Havoc, with all the flooding over the winter months. We need this satellite to be launched before the next storms come this autumn and winter.
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This is the first UK spaceport, and the first launch from it will be the first in the UK!

Black Arrow (and Prospero) were launched from the RAAF Woomera Range Complex - which just happens to be in Australia.
I was conflated first UK rocket launch with first launch in the UK.

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