early 1990s

  1. Stargazer

    Krasnodar SKh-2 "Challenger": a unique agricultural aircraft prototype

    This story fascinates me... It shows what can be done when you have little resource but a lot of creativity... Unfortunately, the page which I took this article from had been saved onto my computer, and doesn't seem to be only any longer. Only one forum topic (in Russian) deals with this...
  2. D

    Visit to Mil and Kamov 1992 - photo of Mil Fenestron

    Mil helicopters - Damaged Fenestron on the scrap heap at Tomolino 1992. I visited Mil & Kamov design bureaux and their test centres in 1992 - and the Mil 26 factory at Rostov-on-Don. Snapshot attached taken from the bus when entering the Mil test site. Article about visit in my memoir Two Up...
  3. B

    MBB Lifting Body Capsule

    Anyone fancy translating.
  4. Grey Havoc

    S-4 and S-45 IRBM projects (France, Cold War)

    https://nuke.fas.org/guide/france/theater/s-4.htm https://calhoun.nps.edu/bitstream/handle/10945/26902/britishfrenchstr00bate.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  5. Hood

    Chinese Type 343M Corvette

    In 1990 Racal Marine teamed up with the China Shipbuilding Trading Company to offer a modernised Type 037 Hainan-class hull as a corvette with Racal radars (obviously!), European guns and A/S torpedoes and Chinese C-801 SSMs. There were no takers.
  6. Grey Havoc

    Noisy-Le-Grand metro project (France, late '80s / early '90s)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWxESIzJhCU From the comments thread:
  7. M

    Reason for UK dropping out of MIDS program?

    I've been searching for quite a long time a reason(or reasons) for the UK, Canada and Norway to have dropped out of MIDS program in 1991, just before the signing of the MIDS PMOU. They were indeed a MIDS program members since phase one. Particularly interesting is the case of UK, since they were...
  8. flateric

    Lockheed/NASA High-Altitude Atmospheric Research Platform (HAARP)

    From late Curtis Peebles collection at SDASM Flickr collection
  9. athpilot

    Comet Rocket 1992/93 HLLV

    NASA's Lunar Outpost Heavy Lift Vehicle: The Comet Rocket <iframe width="560" height="315" src=" View: https://www.youtube.com/embed/uSZtnRJzSBA " title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"...
  10. hesham

    Post-Buran Concepts

    Faster Than Sound The Story of Supersonic Flight, I don't know if it's proper topic to send this here or not ?.
  11. Graham1973

    Delta Advanced Re-useable Transport (DART) - 1991

    A case of some University of Maryland students re-inventing the Gemini, or pre-inventing the Dragon... The proposed launch vehicle was the Delta II rocket. Delta Advanced Reusable Transport (DART): An alternative manned spacecraft DART: Delta Advanced Reusable Transport. An alternate manned...
  12. Grey Havoc

    Project Hyreus Mars Sample Return (MSR)

    Beyond Apollo: The God of Gainful Employment: Project Hyreus (1993)
  13. Grey Havoc

    Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5laK2JopaVE&feature=player_embedded NASA: Satellite won't fall on US (msnbc Cosmic Log) <a href="http://www.space.com/12899-nasa-falling-satellite-uars-space-junk-infographic.html"> <img...
  14. Triton

    Space Transfer Concepts and Analyses for Exploration Missions (STCAEM) (1991)

    Space transfer concepts and analysis for exploration missions. Implementation plan and element description document. Volume 1: Major trades. Book 1: Draft final Abstract: http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19930013159_1993013159.pdf Space transfer concepts and analysis for...
  15. C

    Alouette CIRSTEL

    OK. Gents. I finally found my old pictures from the heady days of the early 90's when DENEL had a project for everything. Anyone have any more information about this NOTAR style testbed that was show (static display only) at one of the 1'st SA Arms expo's? I only have what's in the photos
  16. flateric

    Lockheed/General Dynamics/Boeing YF-22A

    Screen capture with rare view of YF-22NX (second, PW F-119 equipped prototype) with nose cone removed, towed from hangar after cosmetiс restoration of airframe, damaged by PIO crash in April 1992.
  17. Tuomasn

    Oriflamme and Radiance

    I am looking for images of the Oriflamme and Radiance French space launcher projects. There are short descriptions at http://www.astronautix.com/lvfam/winged.htm , but no pics. Obviously also any other further info would be appreciated.
  18. hesham

    Dassault STAR-H aerospace plane

    Hi, the Dasault company designed the STAR-H aerospace plane in 1990. http://www.flightglobal.com/PDFArchive/View/1990/1990%20-%203366.html
  19. R

    Long Range Intercept Experiment LORAINE

    This is from Seapower and Space, pg 241, by Norman Friedman. Does anyone have more information on this missile? According to the lexicon hosted on FAS.org it was originally known as Ballistic Intercept Missile.
  20. Maki

    NATF: planned Navy versions of the F-22 and F-23

    I was wondering if anybody knows anything more about the NATF & pre-NATF Tomcat replacement proposals.The only one i know about is the Lockheed swing-wing NATF proposal that is based on the F-22.I've read that they chose swing-wings because it was the easiest way to offer F-22 performance and to...
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