The Frazer-Nash study estimated that the net present value of a European SBSP system from 2022 to 2070 would range between 149 billion and 262 billion euros ($150–264 billion). A central case of 54 “gigawatt-class” SBSP satellites would produce 601 billion euros in benefits in that period, primarily from avoided costs of producing energy terrestrially along with its carbon dioxide emissions, with 418 billion euros in costs to develop and operate the SBSP system.

The Roland Berger study concluded that a single SBSP satellite, based on an existing design, could cost as little as 8.1 billion euros to build and 7.5 billion euros to operate for 30 years, assuming “substantial advances” in key technologies. In a worst-case scenario without those advances, the same design would cost 33.4 billion euros to build and 31.1 billion euros to operate. Despite the uncertainty, it concluded SBSP “has strong potential to become a competitive renewable technology.”

I saw a bunch of Twitter criticism yesterday of ESA’s announcement that they want to develop tech for Space Based Solar Power. The criticism was not valid because it missed the entire point. Europe wants to move to 100% renewable energy — no dispatchable power for topping off. /1

2/ The closer you get to 100% renewable energy the more expensive it is to get the next percent. At close to 100% market penetration the cost is much higher than typical LCOE in today’s markets. This creates an economic space for a more expensive renewable that is baseload.

3/ You might ask, why not just use nuclear? Nuclear would be a great option, but for cultural and political reasons that is a non-starter in Europe ‍♂️. Why not hydroelectric? Europe doesn’t have nearly enough hydro electric sites. There aren’t many options.

4/ So as long as Europe is committed to going 100% carbon-free — and they are — then SBSP fits the economic niche even though it will be more expensive than other energy sources.

5/ The situation for renewable energy in Europe is much worse than in the US due to Europe’s low capacity factor on wind and solar. The *combined* wind and solar averages about 15%. That’s for the entire continent.

6/ So the @elonmusk quote that ‘solar is only 3x better in space than on Earth’ is factually incorrect. For all of Europe Space is 6x better. And the cost is nonlinear so it is far more than 6x cost, especially when trying to get 100% market penetration, as Europe wants to do.

7/ Another major error critics make (repeatedly even after you explain their error), is they think space solar competes against terrestrial solar. It does not. It competes against terrestrial energy storage and excess generation capacity to recharge the deep storage.

8/ So the facile arguments comparing space vs terrestrial PV efficiency are missing the point. It’s a good idea never to believe facile arguments. The proponents of SBSP in Europe know all the facile arguments, and know why they aren’t valid. They aren’t stupid. I mean HONESTLY‍♂️

9/ So you can get into arguments whether the cost estimates are accurate or whether the government subsidies will be economically justified or enough — that’s all good. That’s why ESA commissioned independent studies to augment their internal studies. The debate should continue.

10/ But drop the facile arguments that entirely miss the point, OK? And please don’t give them airtime because it promotes poor thinking. /end. We now return to the original happy programming

Like the Chinese, who have discovered that fusion laughs at even their five-year plans --IIRC, they expected fusion to pump their mega-aqueducts, but must now switch to 'distributed'-- the EU and, sorta, the UK, are in a bind.

Coastal and near-shore wind-farms need a convenient coast and suitable substrate. IIRC, there's now urgent work going into development of vertical-rotor generators. Without that 'engine house' and mega-bearings perched at the top, things are much, much lighter. In fact, the whole thing may be floated, towed out, anchored like a 'spar-buoy' rather then set in the sea-bed. Uh, how to 'feather' in strong winds ? Seems that's been solved using flexible rotor blades which may be 'reefed down' to the axis...

On-shore, distributed wind and solar power are great when the wind blows and/or sun shines, unless there's simply too much for local grids to handle.

Hydro ? Drought issues. IIRC, US may see several major dams go 'dead-water'. Europe's great rivers are struggling, too.

No-one in UK.Gov seems prepared to remember the shelved 'Severn Barrage' mega-schemes, either as-is, or with the associated 'Pumped Storage' pond. The latter would have allowed predictable, neap-ish tidal flows & times....

Nuclear fission is suddenly fraught due to cooling requirements. Coastal, not so bad, but in-land ? When drought strikes, and river levels drop, either the station lacks enough water to meet demand, or must discharge hotter than the river ecology can tolerate. Fish-kills etc ensue...

Mini-stations would be less exposed to drought, might be practicable with modest cooling towers as Plan-B...

IIRC, several very expensive pumped-storage schemes are underway for load-levelling. There's also some 'steam-punk-ish' plans, such as massive weights in old mine-shafts. Think 'Grandfather Clock'. Such may seem daft, but are 'scalable', with a build-time and efficiency edge over hydro, and totally trump compressed air etc due gas-law heating / cooling issues.

Vast sheds of batteries have their own issues, one being inherent losses. Flow-batteries seem to have the edge on both material and efficiency...

Solar-power satellites ? Well, beyond jump-starting EU hydrogen economy to fuel the necessary mega-launchers, there's a lonnng pay-back time. Also, space is becoming scarily untidy...
I don't think it's practical. Microwaves or lasers would beam the power to Earth through the atmosphere. Imagine an airliner being struck by such a beam. And then there is the cost. Regarding wind and solar, it's going to see new battery technology to store the energy when the sun or wind are not available. Once battery storage is available, the gaps can be made up. There is also molten salt storage.

I don't think it's practical. Microwaves or lasers would beam the power to Earth through the atmosphere. Imagine an airliner being struck by such a beam.
Yes, and? An SPS microwave beam striking an airplane would do... nothing. Large aircraft are lighting-resistant thin metal Faraday cages... just like the inside of a microwave oven. NASA studies back in the 70's included shooting microwave beams of equivalent watts/square meter at organisms like birds and such... they didn't notice.

If you beam down a gigawatt to a reciever of one square kilometer, that's 1,000 watts/square meter... which is about as powerful as full sunlight. Microwaves won't affect machines, and people and animals would be unlikely to be there or spend much time there. And in all probability the receiver farm would be *way* bigger than one measly square kilometer.
SPS is a rising helps with beamed energy starwisps-puts space in the energy sector...and hurts no birds or fish.
I wonder if they could double-stack solar panels and rectennae ? Saves on the 'footprint'...
I don't think it's practical. Microwaves or lasers would beam the power to Earth through the atmosphere. Imagine an airliner being struck by such a beam.
Yes, and? An SPS microwave beam striking an airplane would do... nothing. Large aircraft are lighting-resistant thin metal Faraday cages... just like the inside of a microwave oven. NASA studies back in the 70's included shooting microwave beams of equivalent watts/square meter at organisms like birds and such... they didn't notice.

If you beam down a gigawatt to a reciever of one square kilometer, that's 1,000 watts/square meter... which is about as powerful as full sunlight. Microwaves won't affect machines, and people and animals would be unlikely to be there or spend much time there. And in all probability the receiver farm would be *way* bigger than one measly square kilometer.

Well. Then run out and build it! Or to put it another way, Why haven't they built it yet? The oil companies are secretly sabotaging all attempts?

Well. Then run out and build it! Or to put it another way, Why haven't they built it yet? The oil companies are secretly sabotaging all attempts?
IIRC, Launch costs was the killer...
Given the Saturn-5 production line shut down, and the hapless Shuttle turned out not to provide 'cheap, reliable, regular' access to space after all, SPS was simply unaffordable.

Now, multiple designs of 'big launchers' are building and flying again, some of them partly re-usable. Given economies of scale and numbers, the break-even point is back on this side of the financial horizon....

Note I'm not claiming neither 'Big Oil' nor 'Big Coal' may have put a thumb on the scales, but launch cost was the 'elephant in the room'.

Added: IIRC, the necessary rectennae are skeletal, would barely shade solar panels. Confirm ??
Just in time.


Why haven't they built it yet? The oil companies are secretly sabotaging all attempts?
SPS - along with wind, ground-based solar, tidal, nuclear, fusion, geothermal, everything - was studied heavily in the 70s because OPEC raised the price of oil to high levels. But come the 80's, OPEC dropped the price of oil and *all* alternate power systems no longer looked affordable. Ground solar and wind continued to be studied and developed because small-scale applications were feasible. But there's no such thing as SPS just for one house; it is by definition something that needs to be *vast.* Which means vast startup costs. But once those costs are in place and manageable, SPS *might* well be one of the cheaper ways to power entire grids.
Added: IIRC, the necessary rectennae are skeletal, would barely shade solar panels. Confirm ??

I wonder if they could double-stack solar panels and rectennae ? Saves on the 'footprint'...
Microwave receivers approximate chickenwire due to the long wavelengths involved.

I wonder if they could double-stack solar panels and rectennae ? Saves on the 'footprint'...

I put one solar panel on top of another. One would be in the shade.
What? No. That's dumb. Take a look at the glass door of your microwave. See the metal mesh? The one you cans *see* through? it's there because all you need to block, reflect or absorb microwaves is a metal mesh, with gaps smaller than the wavelength of the microwaves. Visible light has much higher frequency/shorter wavelength, so it goes through the gaps in the mesh. Microwaves don't. So you *could* pave the area under the microwave receiver with solar panels. The original idea was to use the land for agricultural purposes, holding up the receiver as "netting" atop tall poles.

The NASA/DoE SPS of the 70's had a frequency of 2.45 gigahertz, which means a wavelength of about 12 centimeters. Chickenwire would make a fantastic material for a Faraday cage with that long-ass wavelength.
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But there's no such thing as SPS just for one house; it is by definition something that needs to be *vast.*
And it would be especially smart to beam in more solar energy if we're trying to slow down the planetary warming.
Would beaming in more sun energy help spaceship Earth cool off? color me skeptical.
Yes, idiots and poors might reduce burning coal/wood/cowdung/etc. But still....
Would beaming in more sun energy help spaceship Earth cool off?

Yes, if the alternative is ground based solar. PV cells are very inefficient, whether on ground or space. So the bulk of the solar energy that falls on them is converted not to electricity but to heat. If the PV array is on earth, that heat is shed to the atmosphere. If the PV array is in space...

If the ground based PV array was built over something already black, then there wouldn't be a problem. But they always want to build solar farms over *bright* terrain like deserts.
Take for example cargo shipping lanes.
Most traffic follow the same pathes, sailing the same routes. Many of them burn low grade heavy oil as some countries haven't banned them to prop their local industry (France is one of them, believe it or not).
If now we begin by having Beaming sattelites focused on providing constant exposure around those lanes, shipping emissions would be reduced gradually until the point were oil consumption will be minimal. That process is scalable and could probably be quickly self funded (Beaming services will bill kW just like electricity companies do today).
The only problem in that is de-risking the technology. Public funding is there for that purpose when a direct improvement of citizens life can be expected.
Sadly, Europe industry just show (again) how altered their permissive critical thinking as gone warry with idiots constructing gigantic projects around something that they don't master to hide their case and source easy money (the complexity being just a business case to hide a certain failure). It reminds me those genial inventors that used public funds to build planes with 4, 6 or 8 wings when biplane were invented, 10, 12 engines when twin long range airplane surfaced and gazillon boosters/stages rockets when 2 and 3 staged rockets began to be successful...
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Just in time.

I've heard so many negative things about SBSP over the years, I just cannot believe that, of all space powers, Europe has found it makes some limited sense for them. And thus wants to make it happen.

I swear I would never, ever have believed I would see such a weird development happen in my lifetime. Life is full of surprise.

Make no mistake, there are some important points to keep in mind.
a) It remains a niche
b) Against the background of accelerating global warming
c) And for Europe only.

Basically it will be developed to fill the (very) few percents (perhaps 1% of 2%) left by classic energy sources - nuclear, green, hydro, fossils.
Would beaming in more sun energy help spaceship Earth cool off?

Yes, if the alternative is ground based solar. PV cells are very inefficient, whether on ground or space. So the bulk of the solar energy that falls on them is converted not to electricity but to heat. If the PV array is on earth, that heat is shed to the atmosphere. If the PV array is in space...

If the ground based PV array was built over something already black, then there wouldn't be a problem. But they always want to build solar farms over *bright* terrain like deserts.

PVs are very inefficient? Compared to what? I was there when getting to 10% conversion was a big deal. And they are implementing solar cell improvements as quickly as possible. A space-based system would not be cost effective for the average person. Here's Elon Musk with his take: "It's the stupidest thing ever," he said, several years ago. "If anyone should like space solar power, it should be me. I've got a rocket company, and a solar company. I should be really on it. But it's super obviously not going to work. It has to be better than having solar panels on Earth. With a solar panel in orbit, you get twice the solar energy, but you've got to do a double conversion: Photon to electron to photon, back to electron. What's your conversion efficiency? All in, you're going to have a real hard time even getting to 50 percent. So just put that solar cell on Earth."
Just in time.

I've heard so many negative things about SBSP over the years, I just cannot believe that, of all space powers, Europe has found it makes some limited sense for them. And thus wants to make it happen.

I swear I would never, ever have believed I would see such a weird development happen in my lifetime. Life is full of surprise.

Make no mistake, there are some important points to keep in mind.
a) It remains a niche
b) Against the background of accelerating global warming
c) And for Europe only.

Basically it will be developed to fill the (very) few percents (perhaps 1% of 2%) left by classic energy sources - nuclear, green, hydro, fossils.
I'm not holding my breath. Talk is cheap - Hermes and FESTIP come readily to mind.
PVs are very inefficient? Compared to what?
PV's are, last I checked, doing pretty good if they are at 30%. That means 70% of the sunlight that falls on them reflects or is converted to heat. In an SPS, that efficiency loss takes place twenty thousand miles overhead, so the heat is sent off into space. The useful energy is beamed down to earth in the form of a single frequency of microwaves which can be converted to electricity at up to 95% efficiency.

So, let's say you want 1 gigawatt of electricity. With SPS, you have 1 gigawatt of electricity, plus 5% of heat... 50 megawatts. With ground-based, you've got 1 gigawatt of electricity and 2.333 gigawatts of heat. If cooling the Earth is a driver for solar power, then SPS is clearly far superior.

A space-based system would not be cost effective for the average person.

Nor is a train or a cargo vessel... or a natural gas or nuclear powerplant. That's why they tend to be *big.* Economies of scale.
PVs are very inefficient? Compared to what?
PV's are, last I checked, doing pretty good if they are at 30%. That means 70% of the sunlight that falls on them reflects or is converted to heat. In an SPS, that efficiency loss takes place twenty thousand miles overhead, so the heat is sent off into space. The useful energy is beamed down to earth in the form of a single frequency of microwaves which can be converted to electricity at up to 95% efficiency.

So, let's say you want 1 gigawatt of electricity. With SPS, you have 1 gigawatt of electricity, plus 5% of heat... 50 megawatts. With ground-based, you've got 1 gigawatt of electricity and 2.333 gigawatts of heat. If cooling the Earth is a driver for solar power, then SPS is clearly far superior.

A space-based system would not be cost effective for the average person.

Nor is a train or a cargo vessel... or a natural gas or nuclear powerplant. That's why they tend to be *big.* Economies of scale.

Care to comment on what Elon Musk said? I think he's credible.

Care to comment on what Elon Musk said? I think he's credible.
His analysis was simplistic. He also pushes Hyperloop, so he's known to sometimes be incredibly wrong on technical matters.

He points out, correctly, that SPS requires the conversion of electricity to microwaves, and then back to electricity. Definite losses. But solar panels on earth have definite problems compared to space based:
1) Terrestrial arrays need to be more complex: they have to track the sun. Or if fixed, you need a lot more of them.
2) A terrestrial array of the same power of an SPS rectenna would impact the environment far more: the arrays would blot out the sun, while the terrain under a rectenna would be usable for other purposes.
3) Terrestrial arrays add far more heat to the environment than space based.
4) Terrestrial arrays need to deal with not only the problem of day-night cycles on power generation and thus power storage (*vast* environment-damaging battery systems for when the sun ain't out), they need to deal with weather, dust, bugs, bird crap, lightning strikes, hail, tornados. This is not just a power fluctuation issue, it's a PV cell degradation issue.

SPS is hard and expensive. But lunar surface solar power is, after an initial *insanely* expensive startup cost, potentially the closest thing we have to "free power for the whole planet forever." Lunar regolith is surprisingly close to the ingredients that make up a PV cell. So large robotic factories that trundle along, eat the regolith and lay a road of PV cells behind them, could rather quickly supply all of Americas power needs... and then all planetary power needs.

A lunar factory that lays a layer of PV arrays ten meters wide and moves 1000 meters per day would lay down 3,650,000 square meters of PV arrays per year. If the cells are 20% efficient; and you only get 50% efficiency in the conversion to microwaves, transmission to intermediate platforms, reception on earth and conversion back to electricity; and due to the immobile nature of the array and the rotation of the moon they are only 25% as effective as an array permanently facing the sun... each year a single factory would be responsible for 1400 W/m2 X 365000 X .2 X .5 X.25 = 127.75 megawatts. In ten years that one factory will be responsible for 1.3 gigawatts of power. If you add one factory to the moon per year, in ten years you'll be adding 1.3 gigawatts of power per year. If you build the factory that builds the mobile factories on the moon itself using lunar resources, it could in principle become a sort of Von Neumann machine system that surprisingly quickly covers so much lunar terrain that you have more power than you know what to do with.
Cost will be the decider. Battery technology is improving. Heat can also be stored in molten salt. A lot safer than a nuclear reactor and a spill would be a relatively minor problem. I vote for high density batteries to combine with solar.

Would beaming in more sun energy help spaceship Earth cool off?

Yes, if the alternative is ground based solar. PV cells are very inefficient, whether on ground or space. So the bulk of the solar energy that falls on them is converted not to electricity but to heat. If the PV array is on earth, that heat is shed to the atmosphere. If the PV array is in space...

If the ground based PV array was built over something already black, then there wouldn't be a problem. But they always want to build solar farms over *bright* terrain like deserts.
We are not looking at the same thing.
If we bring in more energy from the Sun into spaceship Earth, the only way to avoid a net increase in global warming is that humans decrease the warming they cause by other ways (like burning coal/wood/cowdung/etc) for at least the same amount of energy as is beamed in.

This is NOT going to happen on our planet until there is a global government enforcing it. I'm just skeptical that it could happen anytime soon.
If we bring in more energy from the Sun into spaceship Earth, the only way to avoid a net increase in global warming is that humans decrease the warming they cause by other ways (like burning coal/wood/cowdung/etc) for at least the same amount of energy as is beamed in.
Fine. But the fact remains that a terawatt of space based solar power will heat the planet far less than a terawatt of ground based solar unless the ground panels are all built over existing blacktop or relatively deep water. The moment you start building them over plants, sand or snow, you convert sunlight that would have bounced back to space into locally released heat.

Here is a solar cell:


Here is Earth:


What parts of Earth are brighter than the solar cell? If you cover those parts with PV arrays, you darken those areas, and make Earth warmer. The oceans are darker than solar cells... but if you cover hundreds or thousands of square kilometers of ocean with floating mats of PV arrays, you kill the photosynthetic life below.
If we bring in more energy from the Sun into spaceship Earth, the only way to avoid a net increase in global warming is that humans decrease the warming they cause by other ways (like burning coal/wood/cowdung/etc) for at least the same amount of energy as is beamed in.
Fine. But the fact remains that a terawatt of space based solar power will heat the planet far less than a terawatt of ground based solar unless the ground panels are all built over existing blacktop or relatively deep water. The moment you start building them over plants, sand or snow, you convert sunlight that would have bounced back to space into locally released heat.
I don't dispute that ground-based solar cells increase warming, the way they're being done.
So, yes, it means that the ecologists promoting ground solar cells to fight climate change don't tell the whole story. Surprise surprise...

Now if we were comparing the *same* TW of solar power, converted either on the ground or in space, the benefit of conversion in space is obvious. But for it to be the same TW, your space cell should be in between the Sun and the ground. Then yes.
But of course we won't put those cells between us and the Sun, the blokes below would object.
We'll put those cells elsewhere, therefore bring additional TWs from the Sun into spaceship Earth. So on one hand we avoid reducing the albedo, on the other hand we increase the total amount of energy coming in. I haven't done the detailed calculations, but I'm certain the net result is more warming.

Unless the Global Scientific Government enforces quitting oil/coal/wood/cowdung/etc, of course...
Now if we were comparing the *same* TW of solar power, converted either on the ground or in space, the benefit of conversion in space is obvious. But for it to be the same TW, your space cell should be in between the Sun and the ground.


We'll put those cells elsewhere, therefore bring additional TWs from the Sun into spaceship Earth. So on one hand we avoid reducing the albedo, on the other hand we increase the total amount of energy coming in.
All forms of electricity production entail efficiency losses, losses which equate to heat dumped into the system. Burnign coal and natural gas and whatnot obviously dumps a lot of heat. Nuclear power dumps a lot of heat. Solar dumps a lot of heat. But space-solar dumps very *little* heat into *Earth.* The conversion of microwaves to electricity is the only step that takes place on Earth, and the efficiency can be very high... far higher than pretty much any other energy production system.

Similar ideas were floated for gigantic nuclear reactors in orbit that would beam their power to Earth in the same fashion. Lots of waste heat dumped via vast radiators, but that heat would again be shed to space 22,000 miles away, vanishingly little coming to Earth.

Space-based power is probably the least-heat system feasible.
Similar ideas were floated for gigantic nuclear reactors in orbit that would beam their power to Earth in the same fashion. Lots of waste heat dumped via vast radiators, but that heat would again be shed to space 22,000 miles away, vanishingly little coming to Earth.
Would that work with the same reactors anchored on the Moon, rather than floating in GEO ? just asking.

Reminds of an idea that is being examined those days: of putting data centers in space or even on the Moon, for the exact same reason: dump the heat into space.
Yes, it would. That's the beauty of relocating heavy industries on the moon: no airborne contamination, no expensive heat dissipation process without any water pollution and warming. No expensive energy wasted to fight gravity at each step of a process...
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"Beaming satellites focused on providing constant exposure around those lanes"

Seriously ? Have you looked at the targeting factor ? Power requirements of a VLCC or mega-box ship ? The issues of putting weather-proof rectennas on board ? What about the many cruise-liners ??

Sadly, makes rather more sense to beam power down ashore, use off-peak excess to make 'clean' fuel for such big ships. Oh, and re-charge hybrid ships while they are docked. Local shipping, tugs/ferries, are increasingly moving to battery or hybrid. IIRC, Estonia want to replace the ~300 smelly diesel pusher-tugs on their waterways with electric. Batteries are heavy, but the big diesels / gearing etc they replace were much heavier, needed stronger shop-frames etc, so battery craft may be much lighter, with significantly less draught...

( IIRC, French heavy-oil grunge is being tackled by ports refusing to let such smelly whatsits come near, unless expensive scrubbers fitted. Besides, this is France.Gov at its best: Remember, their snail-farmers count as protected fisher-folk, their crop as shell-fish, land-based...)
Yes. I have looked at it... As early as 2014. Thank you.

Regarding French move on heavy oil liners, it's fairly new... From last year if my memory serve me well.
Similar ideas were floated for gigantic nuclear reactors in orbit that would beam their power to Earth in the same fashion. Lots of waste heat dumped via vast radiators, but that heat would again be shed to space 22,000 miles away, vanishingly little coming to Earth.
Would that work with the same reactors anchored on the Moon, rather than floating in GEO ? just asking.

A reactor is a mechanical device designed to operate in a certain environment. And 1/6 of a G is a very different environment than actual freefall. So there will need to be design differences. Additionally, the heat rejection systems (radiators) will need to be different. The orbital version will be operated so that the radiators are always edge-on to the sun. The lunar version will have to do something different since it'll be nailed to a spot of Luna that is constantly, if slowly, turning under the sun. The lunar radiators will have to be much, much bigger since they'll be less effective, since they are looking at the warm surface of the Moon.
There are two weeks of darkness on the moon. Something that can be very useful for dissipating heat or producing energy on a periodic scale.
There are two weeks of darkness on the moon. Something that can be very useful for dissipating heat or producing energy on a periodic scale.
Maybe. Build a *gigantic* tank of, I dunno, sodium or something. During the day, dump heat into the sodium, slowly melting it. At sundown, turn on the fountain and spray tiny droplets of molten incandescent metal a kilometer into the sky to radiate to space and fall down into a collector. With fixed gravity and no wind, it *should* be possible to calibrate the system to fair precision.
Nuclear reactors are a waste. Anyway, I think I have most of what NASA is planning for the next five years. The current launch is a mystery. Solar panels manufactured on the moon, but no "moon base" as such. Astronauts set up the equipment, set automatic controls and leave. Quadruple redundancy on the controls. A space station will be built in lunar orbit, partly powered by lunar panels, or a small solar panel farm will be in orbit nearby. This space station will be an emergency shelter should there be any problems on the moon in the future. The rest gets beamed to earth. No very large solar panel arrays in Earth orbit. Too expensive. No manned Mars mission. Too expensive and too dangerous.
A lot of great comments here as to why many analyses are simplistic or flawed. My point is that the analysis that go 100% renewable gets harder as you approach 100% is flawed. All renewable sources need to be paired with storage, but long term average generation capacity can grow seamlessly well beyond 100% of demand. Energy shedding when storage is full isn't going to be rocket science after all. Making hydrogen by electrolysis suddenly starts to look really interesting.

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