Shchyerbakov-Lyapin Shchye-2 “twin”


ACCESS: Top Secret
18 February 2006
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The Shchyerbakov Shchye-2 was a mass-produced light cargo of USSR 1943-44. What interests me is a sentence in Bill Gunston’s book "The Osprey encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875-1995" page 326 :
"OKB deputy-chief, M.V.Lyapin, suggested twin-boom version with third M-11D at rear of cargo nacelle; not built."
Borovik told me that V.Shavrov (in "History of aircraft design in the USSR 1938-50, Volume 2, page 297) used not the word "twin-boom" but "twin-fuselage", and this may be another layout, another project. Any additional information may be useful.
I hope Borovik will post his3-view interpretation (I have not found it with the search tool), here is what I imagine from the Gunston one (with the not-twin source, more famous):


  • r_Sche2bip_j.JPG
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To help the search tool: Shchye-2 can be wrongly written ShChe-2, or right also: Shtshye-2, and French readers may use Chtchyé-2 (or wrongly Chtche-2, Chtchye-2)...
Hi Tophe ,
Originally planned Shcherbakov for their aircraft engines "Argus As-10" with a capacity of 240 hp or
MG-31 of 300 hp (But serial production of which was discontinued with the start of the war).
Indeed in B. Shavrov's book "History of aircraft design in the USSR 1938-50", Volume 2, page 297, says: "... was an unrealized project of двухфюзеляжного / two fuselage Sche-2 ..."
When I was make a speculative drawing, I have relied primarily on data V. Shavrov, and drawings N. Okolelov's, not Gunston's book "The Osprey encyclopedia of Russian Aircraft 1875-1995" with the twin-boom version, which I also possessed the information.
Basically I have nothing to add new ...


  • Shsche-2 twin,.jpg
    Shsche-2 twin,.jpg
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Thanks a lot, dear Borovik, for this great 3-view.
However, like my own drawing, I consider them as "provisionnal views, to be confirmed". I hope someday archives will give us the final point. Up to now, the 2 different sources seem to refer to 2 different versions of the Shchyerbakov-Lyapin version of Shchye-2. Thanks for this analysis.

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