Pirate Pete

ACCESS: Secret
25 July 2007
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I have spent a considerable time searching the web for details, but to-date have not found what I am looking for.

There have been occaisions in the past when, due to budgetary and/or political changes the British Royal Navy have had to re-appraise plans.

What I am looking for in particular are:-

1967: The Future Fleet Working Party report

1950's: The Way Forward "Review"

- The Speed Committee (1970's/80's)

2005 - Mariners MIrror, Volume 91(3) - The TYpe 82 destroyers and the future fleet working party (article by Andrea Ellner).

Can any Board Members assist with details published in these articles/reports????
Eric Grove's paperback on the Royal Navy published a year or so ago is a reasonably priced
starting point. His "Vanguard to Trident" is an older but fuller source, though it ends in the 80s.

The documents may be available in some form online from the National Archives (NAO), but
other Board users may know of magazines and other online sources.

If you are interested in the actual kit then "Rebuilding the Royal Navy" Brown and Moore is a must
have book. For specific types of RN ships Norman Friedman's British Cruisers and British Destroyers and Frigates
are still in print. His book on aircraft carriers stops at the mid 80s and has been out of print for some time.
I do not know if an update is planned.

The Royal Navy Discussion Board "warships of the world". Sorry forgot the link, but others here are regular users.

UK 75
Thanks for that.
I have Vanguard to Trident, Friedmans Postwar Naval Revolution and British Destroyers and Frigates (and hopefully tomorrow his Cruisers book), Keith Speed's "A Sea Change", D.K. Browns Series of R.N. books (Warrior through to Rebuilding the RN).

These all give excellent information, but I am trying to get hold of the actual text of the the documents for a greater insight into their specifics, hopefully on-line somewhere....

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