Purpose of this section - PLEASE READ

overscan (PaulMM)

Staff member
27 December 2005
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This section "Alternative History and Future Speculation" is primarily intended for discussions about how different circumstances could have, or could in the future, affect what projects get built or cancelled. It is not intended as a general purpose "Alternative History" forum to discuss any conceivable topic. Try to avoid topics likely to provoke controversy or disputes.
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This post got unstickied somehow. Pinned to top again.

So, just to be clear, this is NOT a general Alternate History forum. I'm not interested in topics on major departures from known history (Jet Aircraft of Rome or Carthage for example) or discussion of alternative history in and of itself.

This forum is for discussing how history could have gone a different path with relation to the core forum topics of "Unbuilt Projects, Military and Aerospace Technology".

Pure "alternative design" exercises might be better placed in the Aircraft Design topic https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forums/aircraft-design.74/

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