List of reference books by period or manufacturer: Swiss aircraft


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20 October 2009
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Hi all,
Here is a list of reference books about aircraft produced in Switzerland. Most are in German or French language. Additions and comments are welcome.

List of similar threads for other countries:,22054.0.html

General books on Swiss aircraft
I'm not aware of any book encompassing all the aircraft manufactured in Switzerland.
There is a short introductory article by Walter Dürig available online, titled Zur Geschichte der schweizerischen Eigenentwicklung von Flugzeugen:

  • Aircraft used by the Swiss military Die Flugzeuge der schweizerischen Fliegertruppen seit 1914, by Jakob Urech, Th. Gut, first edition in 1975, second edition in 1980
    There is an English translation titled The Aircraft of the Swiss Air Forces since 1914 by the same publisher, 1975.

  • Swiss military aviation 1914-1936 Fliegertruppe – Aircraft of the Swiss Air Force 1914-1936, in English language, Insignia Air Force Special no.7, published as a CD-ROM by Blue Rider Publishing, ISBN 1902851064

Books on specific manufacturers or aircraft series
  • Dufaux, Comte and others Sechs Schweizer Flugpioniere – Henri Dufaux, Armand Dufaux, Oskar Bider, Alfred Comte, Walter Mittelholzer, Balz Zimmermann, various authors, Verein für wirtschaftshistorische Studien / Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik n°46, 1987

  • Häfeli and others Fünf Pioniere des Flugzeugbaus – Franz Schneider, August Haefeli, Henry Fierz, Hans-Luzius Studer, Jürg Branger, various authors, Verein für wirtschaftshistorische Studien / Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschaft und Technik n°84, 2008

  • Comte Die Flugzeuge von Alfred Comte, by Roland Eichenberger, self-published, 1968

  • EKW C-36 C-36 – Eine Schweizer Flugzeug-Eigenentwicklung , by Hans Prisi, Éditions à la carte Zürich, 2006, ISBN 9783905708042

  • Jet aircraft Prototypes suisses d'avions à réaction : P-16, N-20, Lear Jet, Piranha, by Luc Leonardi, Secavia, 2011, ISBN 9782882680155

  • Jet aircraft Schweizerische Strahlflugzeuge und Strahltriebwerke, by Georges Bridel, Verkehrshaus, 1975, ISBN 3859549022
    The author was an engineer at ETH Zurich and directed the Piranha project.
    The book received very favourable comments in this thread:,5188.0.html

  • FFA P-16 Der Schweizer P-16, by Hanspeter Strehler, H. Strehler, 2004, ISBN 3033000517
Does anybody know if the magazine Revue Icare No52 L'Aviation Suisse contains much information on Swiss aircraft types.
I don't have access to this particular issue, but I guess not. Older Icare magazines typically consist in broad historical articles and first-hand testimonies. There may be a quick description of the aircraft involved, but technical details are rarely provided (though there may be a few exceptions).
I'd like to see someone do a little book on the D-3802 and D-3803, the ultimate developments of the Morane Saulnier M.S.406.
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