Interesting Film - Manufacture Of Early Military Aeroplanes - 1918 Documentary


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5 May 2007
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Came across this extremely interesting film on the WDTVLIVE42 YouTube channel. It is described as "Manufacture Of Early Military Aeroplanes - 1918 Educational Documentary." It shows probably the highest quality film I have ever seen of aircraft manufacturing (in detail) - literally from felling logs to flying airplanes, and everything in between - I have ever seen from the First World War era. Much of the footage appears to have been taken at the Standard Aircraft Corporation in New Jersey.

A number of different aircraft are shown in the midst of manufacture/operation. Among those I was able to identify are DH.4s, the Handley-Page Standard-assembled "Langley" (as per aerofiles: "One dubbed Langley was an early O/100 sample component (airframe B9449) assembled for publicity purposes and, adorned with crossed British and American flags on the nose and its name on the sides, flew to 3500' in a half-hour demonstration flight for a crowd of 5,000."), a Liberty Caproni (Ca-5 derived) bomber, Standard JR-1B mail plane, a Curtiss JN-4HT (Ser. No. A.S. 38063) equipped with wireless equipment, what is described in the film (at the 46 minute 31 second mark) as the [Curtiss] "H-S-I-L" (presumably the "HS-IL", but that caption would seem to describe the flying boat hulls filmed being manufactured in the seconds leading up to the caption) that appears to be a Curtiss Twin JN Hydro floatplane (at least that's the illustration it appears to match on page 41 of the March 18, 1918 issue of Aerial Age Weekly).

I should note, there is also footage of a DH.4 named "The Humdinger" (at the 40 min 29 sec mark) whose origins and pilot (there is a photo of the pilot, George Hancock, and the plane at the Rootschat link) are described here:
It was apparently part of the effort to license-manufacture the DH.4 here in the United States.

Anyway, aside from the aircraft described, this film might feature the most enthralling propeller manufacturing footage from the era I have seen. ;D
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