Godzilla Minus One


Senior Member
21 January 2015
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The film is doing so well in the US it’s going to be expanded to 2500 cinemas.
Fun fact: they will have to change the title in french, as "minus" is slang for "little insignificant man" (as in: espèce de minus !) Hard to figure Godzilla as a "minus".
The film is doing so well in the US it’s going to be expanded to 2500 cinemas.
On a budget of about $15M, it has so far made about $15M in the US. I *assume* that means the studio gets about $5M. Internationally, it's made over $26M, for a total of over $42M. That's not bad for only being out six days.

The US Godzilla movies cost ten times as much.

Shin Godzilla made $78M total, on a budget of about $7M. So G-1 would need to make something like $165M total to do relatively as well. Not sure it'll get there.
Saw it twice. It is a treat to see a real Godzilla film in a theater. Never cared about the Legendary Films Godzilla or the one from 1998.
It is amazing how technology has advanced from the days of the original 1954 film. I had the privilege to talk to the late Haruo Nakajima (the original suitmation actor) and I think he would have been very impressed with this film. It had scenes that could not have been done because of available tech at the time or budget.
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He was a real bad ass with that power ray nuke thing, an awesome experience in the theater! The whole story was good, and the sub-titles became just part of watching it. Way too much to like, need to see it again.
Now to be released in black-&-white.
One of the first things I'd do would with a time machine would be to take this film and 1982's THE THING to 1934...

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