soviet union

  1. LoveFromRussia

    Russian Soviet projects of orbital transport ring systems of the future 1973-1984

    See comprehensive illustration below (high resolution illustration). From magazines Technique for youth. The evolution of the Soviet engineering imagination. TM 4 1973 electromagnetic sling (predecessor of Gerald O Neil's mass accelerator). TM 1 1974 Georgy Pokrovsky's sling asteroid...
  2. Grey Havoc

    Valery Polyakov RIP (20th September, 2022)

    Thought there was a thread on this already, my apologies for the belated post.
  3. ArmchairSamurai

    Kazantsev ET-1-627

    Just found this, and thought I would share it: It seems to be a little-known Soviet equivalent to the German Goliath (and likewise French Kegress Machine).
  4. klem

    Early ideas of aerial refueling

    Published in "Техника Молодёжи-Youth Technique" from 1936 the picture shows a fuel supply in flight. The caption to the picture says "The fuel truck (aircraft tanker) flew 30 meters above us and slightly ahead. Suddenly, a hatch opened in the lower part of it, from which a thick hose descended"...
  5. ISS2034

    Forgotten Russian projects 1950-60: a panorama from the cockpit of a nuclear locomotive and a flying ekranoplan with a hovercraft effect.

    Hello, good afternoon. This is my second post. Thank you for reading. Russian old magazines on the Internet are a cemetery of romantic impractical futurism. I found absolutely unique magazines - a rarity even on the Internet. This is Knowledge-Power. Journals for students of polytechnic...
  6. boxkite

    Chelomey NPOMash Raketoplan projects

    Does anyone know more about the Raketoplan designs in the background of the picture, which are on display at the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics? To which OKB do they belong?
  7. Flyaway

    Short MIG-25 documentary

  8. klem

    Soviet experiments of various guided and unguided devices before 1945

    Since the end of the First World War, bold attempts were made in the Soviet Union in the field of rockets and various types of weapons, although timid, but existing and somewhat significant for the hard period that the Union was going through at that time, sometimes typically handcrafted and...
  9. that_person

    Extended Cold War Naval Development

    Ok, this is a scenario I've been working on for a while now, so I'd like to hear other peoples' thoughts on it. It has some plot devices though (the Soviet Union not completely falling apart, Bush restarting the Cold War, etc), but I think it's realistic enough to seem sane from a glance. In...
  10. sferrin

    Soviet P-20 "Sokol" Surface-Launched, Sea-Based Missile

  11. G

    Looking for: Data on Soviet reentry vehicles (used during ICBM launch tests to Kamchatka, and Pacific Ocean)

    Everyone, I am aware that there are lots of illustrations and even some photos of Soviet-era nuclear warheads intended to be put on their ICBMs. But what I haven't found is data about: a)--During ICBM launch tests from Tyuratam (to Kamchatka and/or the Pacific Ocean), what was the dimensions...
  12. uk 75

    Glasnost/Perestroika in 1968 instead of 1989

    When I chatted with East German friends in the 80s before the Wall came down I was interested in how both Regime critical church people and pro Regime journalists agreed that 1968 had been a missed opportunity to reform the Communist system. Since the fall of the Wall it has been claimed that...
  13. hesham

    Drawings to Early Lavochkin Aircraft

    From, Самолеты С. А. Лавочкина.
  14. Grey Havoc

    Soviet Space Elevator (1970)

  15. E

    4/ 1965 Russian magazine TECHNICA MOLODEZHI Towards cosmic world Soviet space
  16. shin_getter

    D-80 535mm artillery

    Russian wiki: Another Site...
  17. hesham

    Polikarpov U-2 Drawings

    From, Поликарпов У-2, here is a drawings to Polikarpov U-2 and its variants.
  18. GTX

    Tsar Bomba

    Has anyone seen/puchased/reviewed this - was released earlier this year:
  19. hesham

    Tupolev TB-3 Cutaway

    From, Бомбардировщик ТБ-3. Воздушный суперлинкор Сталина
  20. K

    Soviet space dogs

    On this day in 1951, the Soviet Union launched the R-1 rocket into space with two dogs. The names of the dogs were Dezik and Cigan the flight lasted 20 minutes and the rocket reached an altitude of 110 km these were the first living beings to leave the earth
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