empire of japan

  1. redstar72

    Mitsubishi 1MT1 - help request

    Hi all! Maybe somebody can help with better, or at least bigger, drawing of this triplane monster? The only one which I could find is this (see attachment). I found it here: http://www.straggleresearch.com/2010/10/navy-type-10-carrier-torpedo-aircraft.html.
  2. G

    Tokushu Choban Re-Go and early Japanese helicopter experiments

    Hi Guys Here is very interesting. I was not aware of the fact that the Japanese were experimenting with helicopters. Check out this link. http://www.warandgame.info/2007/10/japanese-vtol.html Regards Gerhard
  3. Abraham Gubler

    WWII Assault Tanks

    During WWII the British Army came up with the idea of an Assault Tank to defeat German emplaced anti tank guns (PAK) via artillery suppression. Trialled with Churchills the idea was that the assault tank unit would advance into a friendly artillery bombardment that would suppress the anti tank...
  4. blackkite

    Tachikawa Ki-94-Ⅱ

    Hi Ki-94! Enjoy. http://www.webmodelers.com/ki94.html http://ksa.axisz.jp/OM64Ki94.htm
  5. blackkite

    Aichi Navy Experimental Night Reconnaissance Seaplane (AM-16)

    Hi! Aichi AM-16 experimental night reconnaissance seaplane. This flying boat was not completed. Only fuselage was completed. Engine:aircooling in-line inverse 6 cylinder Menasco Super Buccaneer, max power 300HP Wing span:15m, Overall length:11.8m. Height:4m, Wing Area:38.6m2, MTOW:3,300kg, Self...
  6. hesham

    Hiro Kosho H1H, H2H, H3H and H4H flying boats

    Hi, has anyone a drawing to Hiro H10H1 medium flying boat for 14-Shi Specification ?,and it was never completed.
  7. blackkite

    RENZAN first flight movie

    Hi! Renzan first flight movie. Enjoy. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/airplane/museum/cl-pln6/RENZAN.html http://www.ne.jp/asahi/take/pr/museum-a/AVIFILE/RENZANavi.html I recommend you to install GOM player in your PC when you can't see this movie.
  8. blackkite

    Various Nakajima projects and prototypes

    Hi hesham enjoy! I will report specification of these aircrafts near future. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/airplane/museum/nakajima/91sen/91SEN.html You can see many interesting topics when you click bottom parts of this site.
  9. Triton

    IJN "Number 13" Class Fast Battleship

    Drawing of the Imperial Japanese Navy "Number 13"-class fast battleship. Although never officially named, the class is sometimes referred to as the Mikasa-class fast battleship. They are often classed as battlecruisers, but they were a larger, better protected and more powerful version of the...
  10. T

    experimental ww2 Japanese aircraft radars

    Hi people I'm searching for data and pics of WW2 experimental Japanese aircraft radar,I read in a book about WW2 Japanese aircraft ,that the experimental night fighter Aichi SA1 Denkoh was equipped with an parabolic radar. I hope someone can provide me with info/pics of these experimental radar...
  11. airman

    theorical and speculative japanese projects on wwii

    Mitsubishi B-97 "Dorris" Nagoya-Sento KI-001 "Ben" Nakajima AT-27 "Gus" Type TK.19 "Joe" Aichi-Heinkel Type 98 "Bess" Nakajima SKT-97 "Adam" http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=137488 I remember , an other fictional aircraft : Bf110 japanese ... there was other ? ???
  12. T

    unbuild ww2 japanese ship projects

    hello people has someone info/pics about not build WW2 Japanese cruiser,battleship,destroyer or aircraft carrier projects? best regards T-50
  13. T

    Japanese airliner dreams/projects

    Hi dear members of this forum many is known about German projects about airliners like the FW-300 and Junkers designs for long range aircraft ,and offcourse the Dornier flyboat designs. But my question is did the Japanese also have projects of their own,I cant imagine they didn't. Because they...
  14. T

    Kawanishi 17-shi Land Bomber (K-100)

    Hello folks im looking for the Kawanishi K-100 bomber, it was an competitor to the projected G7M bomber. Im looking for drawnings or artist inpressions of this aircraft cheers T-50
  15. T

    Japanese type 65 battle cruiser

    Hi folks im looking for drawnings/artist inpressions of the type 65 battlecruiser project of the IJN It was to be a counterpart to the new US navy battle cruisers greetings T-50
  16. M

    Japanese "Gunships" Project: Mukade

    Hi everybody Ki-67 Ground attack http://www.j-aircraft.org/xplanes/hikoki_files/ki67.htm P1Y Mukade with 10-12-14-16-17-18-or-20 20mm MGs http://www.j-aircraft.com/faq/navy_misc_info.htm Fugaku "Mukade" http://books.google.com/ "The Second Attack on Pearl Harbor" Steve Horn Page 267 and...
  17. hesham

    Fake Japanese World War II aircraft

    Was those projects real or fake ?. http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4101
  18. M

    WW2 Japanese Tank Projects

    Hi everybody Here the ultra-heavy O-I tank http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/japan/japan-exp.html There was also another japanese giant ? The 100 ton tank "Mi-To" ? http://uk.geocities.com/sadakichi09/army/IJAV.htm Maybe someone knows more ? Here the Type 5 Chi-Ri...
  19. Pelzig

    Japanese Secret Projects:Experimental Aircraft of the IJA & IJN 1939-1945

    This book, to be released this coming Fall from Ian Allan Publishing, will continue their x-plane series, taking it into the realm of Japanese experimental aircraft. Page count will be over 144 pages, hard cover. Content in the book include: Kawasaki Ki-64 Kawasaki Ki-88 Kawasaki Ki-91...
  20. Pelzig

    Japanese Rammer Project

    Also in the Maru Special book on the Reppu (which, if you love the Reppu, this book is for you. Hobby Link Japan has it on backorder right now) was this little bit in the back. It is a sketch of a rocket powered rammer. Another piece of art elsewhere in the book shows two of them in action, one...
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