US Supersonic Bomber Projects Vol. 2


ACCESS: Top Secret
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11 June 2014
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Sent to the printers on Friday, copies should be available in a couple of weeks...

USSSBP2 cover.jpg

Title: US Supersonic Bomber Projects 2

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781911703181

Synopsis: The threat posed by the Soviet Union throughout the postwar period coincided with an explosion of innovation and can-do attitude among America's aircraft manufacturers. Challenging requirements and experimentation resulted in a huge variety of designs for aircraft powered by nuclear reaction, aircraft capable of flying faster than Mach 5, advanced bombers able to land and take-off from the surface of the ocean, VTOL fighters and bombers, and many others. Aerospace engineer Scott Lowther collects some of the most radical and beyond-the-state-of-the-art 'secret projects' in this - the second volume of his US projects series.

Author: Scott Lowther

Pagination: 132
Looking good so far, I cannot wait for the release of this book, after what I have read in the last book it should be highly interesting.
I look forward eagerly to buying this book. You are an outstanding writer & artist. Sadly, if i purchase it from 'overseas' to South Africa it could take 6 months - my purchase of 'Cold War Interceptors' on the 22nd December arrived yesterday (6 months), and had a coffee stain across part of the front & back loose cover! (I blame our local postal sorting office, it is useless and in dire trouble).
So any ideas as to what Book 3 will be about? If there is to be a book 3.
Yes, I have ideas (a goodly list, in fact, and a decent start on research and diagrams). As to whether there'll be a Volume 3... indications at this time say no. If vol 2 sells like bananas, perhaps that'll change.
Just picked up a copy of volume 2 at the local newsagents, a brilliant volume Scott, so many wierd and wonderful project studies, very very reccomended :) (so much so a couple of my students bought the remaining 2 copies)
Still waiting to get my copy from WHSmiths when I next go there on Monday.
They seem to be trickling into Smaug's The Bicester shop had one which I snaffled today.
Well worth the wait. Was hoping for a mention of the US/FRG AVS, but otherwise the volume is stunning.
Amazon US is saying it won't be out until August. That's a long wait. Any other US vendors that might actually sell me one now?
Finally got my copy today from WHSmiths in Edinburgh, a highly interesting read, I really like the section on Hypersonic's. Thanks Scott.
Just picked up a copy of volume 2 at the local newsagents, a brilliant volume Scott, so many wierd and wonderful project studies, very very reccomended :) (so much so a couple of my students bought the remaining 2 copies)
Jeez, I've still no word on whether my own copies have even shipped....

Glad you liked it. Volume 3 would have had the *really* weird stuff. Alas.
My copy, ordered directly from Mortons arrived yesteray, 3 August. I'd say your teasers only showed the tame stuff. Seriously, this bids to a most enjoyable read.
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My copy arrived yesterday. :cool: This time I bought it at, since I could not order it directly from Mortons.
I am still surprised, that the Bell D188A was larger than I thought.
Surprise at Manchester airport kiosk:


Had already the 20kg book from Yeffim Gordon on Sukhoi (Su-9-11-15) in the bag but couldn't resist that Bombastic attraction!

Now the mighty Flagon probably has something to chase of its own class.
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Jeez, I've still no word on whether my own copies have even shipped....

Glad you liked it. Volume 3 would have had the *really* weird stuff. Alas.
What happened? Not worth the time to make? (Just ordered my Vol 2)
What happened? Not worth the time to make? (Just ordered my Vol 2)
I guess it didn't seem like a winner. It would have had a lot of space stuff, and space stuff doesn't sell.

Maybe someday I'll do a unified volume, including updated vol 1 and 2, with what would've been vol 3. Just as I'd like to do an updated "SR-71" that would include the first and last chapters that were cut out of the original for space and to tighten it up. That'll be years away at best, of course.
They certainly do (at least the ones I fly through). Not as many aviation titles, though.
U.S. airports have never been the place to go for "our" type of books or magazines. I have found that in England, not only do the airports have remarkable book & magazine stores, but so do London's railway stations.
U.S. airports have never been the place to go for "our" type of books or magazines. I have found that in England, not only do the airports have remarkable book & magazine stores, but so do London's railway stations.
Before mobile phones with internet access were invented, trains in Britain were awash with people reading newspapers, magazines and books. I imagine that's a largely lost revenue stream now.

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