TomTom Artworks


ACCESS: Confidential
16 August 2022
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I enjoy design and illustration a lot.
As said in my presentation message, I'm a writer and illustrator.
In this topic, I'm gonna share various type of design and illustrations:
-From the universe of my books (alternate history at the moment, but many more projects in the very long pipe)
-Design for fun
-Cyberpunk/futuristic design
-Random design for fun

I generally try to make realistic/plausible concept.
Not gonna spam everything today, but here comes a starter with some old illustrations:

Not so miraculous weapons from the volume 1 my alternate history novels "At the Edge of the Abyss / Au Bord de l'Abîme"

Ise class Battleship are converted to anti-aircraft battleship, but it didn't end well.
The two rear turrets and the catapult are removed and replaced by anti-aircraft guns:
  • 4 turrets of 2 Type 98 guns are installed: 2 in place of the old rear turrets, 2 on each side of the rear superstructure.
  • More than a hundred 25 mm cannons were installed throughout the ship.
Finally, since the role of these ships is to fight enemy aircraft, they both receive Type 21, 22 and 23 radars.

A little variation of the Me-262 used by Jagdverband 44.
The Me 262 of JV 44 is a variant inspired by the A-1a/U5 version, with 6 30 mm guns in the nose and 24 rockets.

Still have things to around my Dassault Arcane.

In the meantime, let's post older stuff.

Here is a post-war IJN fighter from my Alternate History novels "At the Edge of the Abyss" volume 2: The Kawanishi A7K2 Senpū.



Man, I wish you I had your and Citrus capabilities. It's already a miracle I can draw a side of a tank.

You nailed it. Same feelings.
Thanks guys! Like many things it came from a lot of practice. Even if I'm art since more or less forever, I'm in vehicle design only since I've start preparing the early work for "At the Edge of the Abyss" a decade ago.
Man, I wish you I had your and Citrus capabilities. It's already a miracle I can draw a side of a tank.

You nailed it. Same feelings.
Thanks guys! Like many things it came from a lot of practice. Even if I'm art since more or less forever, I'm in vehicle design only since I've start preparing the early work for "At the Edge of the Abyss" a decade ago.
"Only" a decade ago. I was sixteen at the time! You were already having a job, I was still figuring out why I couldn't pass high school ;)
Time for an update which is half alternate history, half real history, but connected.

Let's start with "real history" and Tachikawa Ki-77 (A-26).
You can find non watermarked blueprint and illustration in my article. Unfortunately, it's in French.


For the "alternate history", I included an alternate version and story of the A-26 project in my alternate history "Au Bord de l'Abîme".
In this TL the A-26 becomes the Mitsubishi L-5M, in this chapter, and it also has a dedicated annex (Unfortunately, both are in French.)
Here you can see the Mitsubishi L-5M landing at Postdam in a secret liaison that was tried but failed in OTL.
Hello and sorry for the lack of post recently. I'm quite busy on many topics, so I don't have a lot to post, but I'm taking a look at the forum almost every day. Here is finally a new thing to share.

The Nachtkampfgruupe vehicles illustration from my alternate history Au Bord de l'Abîme.
These are Wehrmacht vehicles equipped for night combat.
You can find the "chapter" about is here.
it was the occasion for me to change a bit they way I work on this kind of illustration in order to be more efficient and have better final render.
After finishing a big illustration this afternoon, I decided to have some fun and play with Dassault Mystère blueprint to create a new aircraft.
I'm pleased to present you the fictional Dassault Arcane.

View attachment 682737

Looks quite French while also somehow bringing to mind the Swedish Lansen.
What a great thread !!! ;)
The Dassault Arcane is really nice ! The nose of the Arcane reminds me of the F-94A/B Starfire.
Keep up the good work !
Thanks a lot, guys.
For the Arcane, I "simply" took a Mystère, moved the air-intake on the side and drew a nose ^^
After finishing a big illustration this afternoon, I decided to have some fun and play with Dassault Mystère blueprint to create a new aircraft.
I'm pleased to present you the fictional Dassault Arcane.

View attachment 682737

Looks quite French while also somehow bringing to mind the Swedish Lansen.
What a great thread !!! ;)
The Dassault Arcane is really nice ! The nose of the Arcane reminds me of the F-94A/B Starfire.
Keep up the good work !
Thanks a lot, guys.
For the Arcane, I "simply" took a Mystère, moved the air-intake on the side and drew a nose ^^
Thinking back, I also find a resemblance with the MD 450.30L & Mystère III. Why wouldn't it have received the name of Mystère too ?
Here is a turret design, called Pitbull, which never got beyond the study stage. It is not the subject of a full article, but is covered in an insert.
Article in French here.
Source : Marc Chassillan, RAIDS Hors-série N° 73.
I'm pleased to present you a new "French Secret Project": The "Obusier de Campagne Motorisé" or SPFH (for Self-Propelled Field Howitzer for the 1990s).
A dozen years before the CAESAR (CAmion Equipped with an ARtillery System or truck equipped with an artillery system) project, the Matenin company proposed a “light air-transportable self-propelled vehicle” based on the chassis of the mine-burier in service with the French army. The result is a 4x4 vehicle with large-diameter tires, stabilized during firing by side stabilizers and a rear spade. The artillery piece is the European howitzer FH70 155 mm 39 caliber. The latter is thus transformed from a “towed howitzer” to a “self-propelled howitzer”. This is already an advantage, as there is no longer a phase of uncoupling and positioning the gun, as the FH70 is mounted on a mount that ensures its rotation and elevation. On the other hand, if the howitzer remains efficient, the aiming and reloading remain manual unlike the CAESAR.

Regarding the drawing, the reference provided in the magazine was interesting, but not very detailed and incomplete. The cab of the truck does not correspond to that of the Matenin F1, either in its shape or its dimensions. The rest of the vehicle, especially the chassis, seemed to be inspired by the Matenin NX7. I therefore decided to base my design on the NX7 model, but I did not have any blueprints of this truck. Not much documentation is globally available for Matenin trucks, so I had to rely on photos to create this vehicle. Given the dimensions of the truck’s cab, the FH70 and its mount are moved to the middle of the platform, as are the stabilizers. The rear of the platform houses an ammunition box carrying the shells required for a firing sequence, as well as a mechanism that takes the shell out of the box and raises it to reduce the effort of the gunners and speed up reloading. Based on the pictures of the Matenin NX7, I added many details: steps to access the cabin and the platform, attachments for the towing cables, the exhaust block behind the cabin…
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