Nice !!! ;D ;D ;D
Aliens like Transformers or like Battle of Los Angeles !!! LOL !!! ;D ;D
But surely interesting to see !!! B) B)
Okay, if they beat the aliens by somehow referencing the board game, that will be corny but brilliant.

My inner eight-year-old is jumping with excitement!
Off the top of my head: because it would encourage them :p
From Imdb:
The movie is based on the Milton Bradley game "Battleship" that they have manufactured since 1931 though the manual paper and pencil version of the same game predates 1900.
Exciting, no?
Some of the artillery used in the film is shaped like the pegs used in the game.
Oh well. It can't possibly be as bad as Battlefield Earth.

Or can it...?
Arjen said:
Oh well. It can't possibly be as bad as Battlefield Earth.

Or can it...?

Well, there was "Sicko," which showed that "Battlefield Earth" was hardly the lowest depths that theater could sink to. Plus... rest assured that a knockoff of "Battleship" will be made by The Asylum. Just imagine an Asylum knockoff of "Battlefield Earth..."
Arjen, I suspect that so long as they have enough big ships (human and alien), pretty explosions and big guns going BOOM, that will placate the under-tens; plus if they rip and wet the actresses' uniforms enough, that will please the over-tens even more (what's commonly known as "fanservice").

Look at Battle: Los Angeles. IMO the plot was crap; the combat sequences and cool alien tech were why the film was made. This is the same thing, on an even thinner premise.
I liked Battle: Los Angeles partly BECAUSE the plot was a bit thin. They didn't waste too much time delving into a billion storylines or backstories, with the exception of Aaron Eckhart's character. It was all about the situation and the alien combat.

Battleship? Probably won't see it in the theater, but it's another movie I can see buying on Blu-Ray for pure amusement (like Battle: LA).
Madurai said:
We can at least put a damper on Battleship 2: Electric Boogaloo.

That will be the one where the humans have finally invented railguns and energy weapons of their own.
...and pot noodle that actually tastes good.
So? I detect the distinct odour of moneymaker B)
DEA... pot... yep, got it finally. I was thinking more of this.

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