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1937, the Navy landing boats without a round trip flight from Hawaii to the mainland and Japan

Planning, "二試特殊飛行艇 " ( i don't know the meaning)10 (H7Y1) while secretly ordered to trial in the name of an empty Tech Depot

Ta. The Navy issued the request, the range 5,000 nm (9,260 km) long-haul flight

Was that something as simple as possible, a number of commercial plane that was

As were phenomenal.

Plant availability is based on management skills kept secret, as a competent Commander Naval Jun Okamura

Begin to design plans to solve the most crucial thing to challenge long-haul flight

Went. Outline a plan is 4 crew, 18 tons gross weight aircraft, motor fuel is

Dezeruenjin and things to consider adopting the rate of consumption, and ultimately extraordinarily

Ta cruising capacity to produce a weight reduction as well as strength, stability and a minimum value

Beating, and was taken to sacrifice any other policy. The high-wing monoplane with wing

Junkers Jumo Dezeruenjin imported from Germany based on the four wings

As two pairs of twin format Motoe Hazime. Also, in our country is to reduce parasite drag

浮舟 other end of the retractable wings in the first method, a sophisticated and aerodynamic body

Was to have made as much as possible.

The prototype was designed with a range of exclusive devotion, as a commercial plane is about unprecedented

Had a delicate appearance, had just completed trial flights. Nowadays

This machine was planned under tight secrecy has finally become the person we mercenaries

That will come out, the controversy over the presence of mercenaries in this unit a poor value of the speed blunt Armament

The began. In addition, the results of the trial flight was impossible clearly represent design, practical 到底

In what is far, gotten better at trying to repair the aircraft in each departments

Unable to see, and the unwelcome use of this machine is also confident in our value-parties, after all

This plan only one prototype aircraft trial flight was canceled.

Among the top-secret plan, ultra long-range vision of the flying boat prototype.

ps: i have used google translator

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