Yanks Air Museum wind tunnel model... spaceplane or stealth concept?

Based on the "cockpit" canopy bump near the nose and the twin engines, it appears to be a some sort of LO Fighter/Attack design.
I contacted the Director at Yanks museum and he said that the model was donated and that he did not have any information concerning the manufacturer, project, model number, etc.
It reminds me of a concept I’ve seen somewhere, definitely LO F/A as Sundog mentions. Maybe an Avpro concept, but they would not be producing wind tunnel models.
I contacted the Director at Yanks museum and he said that the model was donated and that he did not have any information concerning the manufacturer, project, model number, etc.
Yeah, I asked about it while I was there, and got the same response. That's why I figured you guys might have more info to work with...

could you provide picture of lower side of the model?
Not possible, as the model is mounted with the ventral surface permanently facing the wall.
Not possible, as the model is mounted with the ventral surface permanently facing the wall.

Perhaps, museum' staff allowed to use small mirror or cellphone to made photos from the side/upper/bottom view?
Looks, like model placed inside the wall' without glass.
Of course, just my impression, based on single picture.
Funnny, from the shadow made by the direct light above, you have like a front view, can see no bumps for intakes on the underside... Looks smooth. Or its integrated with under wing leading edge, and then intakes are often blanked off on tunnel models...
Reminds me of these General Dynamics ATF windtunnel models somewhat.

(From Jay Miller's Aerofax on F-22) GeneralDynamicsATF.jpg
I think you have something there.

To my eye, it looks like a sleeker X-32.
I think you have something there.

Hmmm... Nose profile's off, and there's no tailerons on the wind tunnel model, but I can certainly see a similarity.
What irony!

Here we trying to identify wind-tunnel model, produced in 20-30 yesteryears from now. And couldn't achieve immediate result - even the designers and testers of this models are live today.

In this topic we try to do the same for model, made in 1930-40s! We the same set of finding similarities with known aircraft, projects :cool:

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