hesham said:Hi,
a wind tunnel model.
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Matej said:Amazing video! Footage from the manufacturing and also from the crash, where the landing gear leg destroyed the fuel tank after hard landing.
During the early days of the JAST effort, Lockheed (accompanied by US government officials from the JAST program office) visited the Yakovlev Design Bureau along with several other suppliers of aviation equipment (notably also the Zvezda K-36 ejection seat) to examine the Yakovlev technologies and designs.
Yakovlev was looking for money to keep its VTOL program alive, not having received any orders for a production version of the Yak-141. Lockheed provided a small amount of funding in return for obtaining performance data and limited design data on the Yak-141. US government personnel were allowed to examine the aircraft. However, the 3BSN design was already in place on the X-35 before these visits.
Not something seen everyday, for sure.a surprisingly favorable impression of the Yak-38.