www.flitzerart.com - aircraft profiles by a talented artist

Many thanks Overscan...

In fact I'm in the middle of updating the site, adding many new profiles.
Should be ready in a week to ten days.

Again thanks
Ups, Flitzer, I have sent you an E-mail from "Contact", but I could have asked here.
Are you sure of the EF211 code for the twin boomer (it is coded EF112 at http://www.luft46.com/junkers/junkers.html )
Congratulations anyway. Marvelllous work... ;D
Hi all...
the promised up date for my site is ready. But the internet connection has been playing up this last week or so. Its soooooooooooo slow.
As soon as it sorts itself out the changes will be implemented including many added profiles and the dislexic cock-up (or should that be "ock cup"?) spotted by Tophe has been addressed.

I'll post when its up.

Cheers and thanks
Uh, some visualization problems... e.g in the Post-war British Secret Projects not all the miniature are visualized in the index page, and some are truncated in the pop-up window (the Blackburn for all) :mad:

Hi Flitzer!

Your illustrations are TRULY GREAT! Thank you so much for sharing such nice avaition art.

Many thanks for your kind words.

There are problems in incorporating the up date but its being worked on.
Hope to have it up and running as it should be soon.

Internet from Saudi is a real pain in the sit down department...

After overscan’s generous posting...

The update on
www.flitzerart.com is now complete.

It was a struggle due to up/down link problems with Saudi Internet services but...

I’ve added in the region of 70 new profile plates and a menu page for the aircraft section.
Large sets are now scroll style pages.

Plus I’ve added a direct link panel for Secret Projects site on the home page.

Depending on your rig/browser etc a few "refreshes" may help if you encounter loading problems.

To help me try and improve the site your comments and suggestions; good, bad or indifferent are always welcome.

Cheers and many thanks
Now it works smoothly. Flitzer, stay ready, in the weekend I'll send you an Italian secret project 3-view with table of the camo colours to try and see what comes out. ;D
Comment: your additions are very nice, and very easy to find/browse, congratulations.
I love the P.99 and F18/37 twin-boomers of course, but not only. I have loved too the F11/37 and P.1077, I don't know if I had seen them yet, but at least never so finely featured.
Hi and well spotted Richard...

I don't usually do these but under circumstances I couldn't resist...

The Messserschmitt Me 262 HG D was an idea I’d had for some time. A long time ago I actually made a model of it when my skills were not exactly good. The basis for the idea was the fact that Professor Alexander Lippisch was heavily involved in the development of the 262 HG series of designs and he was also famed for his Delta wing designs. I simply put the two together as a possible development. A ”What -if, what-if “.

I did it as an exercise in logical possibilites.

But I will go and sit in a corner and write a thousand times....
"I must refrain from producing what-if designs without any evidence to potential reality"
"I must refrain from producing what-if designs without any evidence to potential reality"
"I must refrain from producing what-if designs without any evidence to potential reality"....

;D ;)

Cheers and thanks
Hi again...
Richard; your comment has got me thinking.
When I do my next major up-date on the site I will isolate the 3 Me262 HG Delta profiles and put them in a "Completely bogus".

Yes please send the Italian Job...3 view pic.

In fact over time I hope to expand the aircraft files to include Secret Projects for Italian, French, Japanese, Russian, American etc concepts.

Begging time...So... if anyone has decent 3-view scale drawings of aircraft that fit in any of the categories and could e-mail them to me I would be very very grateful.

Many thanks
;D :)
Where's Flitzerart.com gone . Anyone an idea ?

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