www.aerospaceprojectsreview.com/blog/ - Scott Lowther's APR Blog

Site lacked many images yesterday, and wasn't itself in appearance at all. Today it won't load save for a (likely fake) admin page.
trekkist said:
Site lacked many images yesterday, and wasn't itself in appearance at all. Today it won't load save for a (likely fake) admin page.

An update about that, a mere two and a bit years later: in August of 2015, the APR Blog and another of my blogs were hoosifudged by... something. It was never clear if it was an attack of some kind or a system-wide glitch. It took a few days to get things back up and running, with additional security measures in place. But while since then things have run more or less fine, *before* that date a lot of the posts remain a bit borked. Images and links within posts that reference the blog itself often have an additional spurious "blog/" term added to them, leading the link to someplace that doesn't exist. The images are still there and are uncorrupted, but you need to remove the "blog/" if you get a 404 error.

Why did that happen? I don't friggen' know. I've fixed a lot of the links, but... yeeesh, too many posts to both to go through *all* of 'em.

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