WTF is this thing?

Looks like a funny fictional project concept (or only a private Kitbash) to show a customer, that a C-130 can be modified to do every role with just one fuselage.
So you see a A/B/E/F/...Z C-130 A...Zß*#?! ;) :D
Just like those F-4 and F/A-18 drawings, pictures etc. ;D
It is - obviously - a joke.

Such aircraft mixes up features come from several different aircrafts in different role, I mean that you can see in it the following aircraft: a transport, an AWACS, an ASW, a flight tanker, a flying gunship, and so on....

Not only it also mixes up different kind of propulsion, it is at the same time turboprop and jet engined (ok in past we had some example of such arrangement like C-119, C-123, B-36D etc.).

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