Will any manufacturer pick up this suggestion?


ACCESS: Confidential
3 February 2010
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Hi all
I've long dreamed of 1/72 models of:
1. MiG 1.42
2.BAE Replica
6.Novi Avion
Being too lazy to convert existing models, I'd much rather tackle an all new kit. Could any of you resin model manufacturers consider the above for future releases, please?
You can't talk specifics about a project, can you? Still, I believe that the drawings you can find e.g. on Paralay, or Matej's Hitechweb should be enough for a modelmaker to fashion a resin cast.
Foxglove said:
Hi all
I've long dreamed of 1/72 models of:
1. MiG 1.42
2.BAE Replica
6.Novi Avion
7.Jastreb J-21
Being too lazy to convert existing models, I'd much rather tackle an all new kit. Could any of you resin model manufacturers consider the above for future releases, please?

Here's a few more suggestions for resin/plastic kits or at least conversion sets:
1. JH-7A
2. J-10B
3. Z-19
4. A-129 Mangusta International
5. OH-1 Ninja
A manufacturer who fills these market gaps will not only seize a business opportunity, but will also earn the gratitude of modern aviation modellers.
GTX said:
A number of these are already available I believe.

I cant speak for Novi Avion, and i am not sure about REPLICA although i am fairly certain it has not been done, but to the rest: none of them are available. (or has been announced)
JH-7 and J-10B I have seen by Trumpeter IIRC. Italeri have done A-129? MiG-31 also done I am sure.
He didn't ask for a MiG-31 (Which I have but haven't built yet), he asked for a MiG-31M. ;)

It would take good amount of rework to convert the existing MiG-31 kit into a MiG-31M.
In 1/72 Zvezda do a MiG 1.44 which should be close enough to do a 1.42
GTX said:
In 1/72 Zvezda do a MiG 1.44 which should be close enough to do a 1.42

As said, we don't know how 1.42 really looked like. But i think we roughly know 1.44 is not really close enough to be 1.42. In same way MiG-31 is nowhere close being a MiG-31M.
flanker said:
As said, we don't know how 1.42 really looked like.

Therefore what is the point of pining about a model kit then? If no-one outside of MiG knows what it looks like, then either:
[list type=decimal]
[*]No-one will be able to tell you your kit is wrong; or
[*]No kit manufacturer will be able to make it.
And i agree. ;) It is as pointless as asking a kit of some of the secret programs tested at Area 51.
GTX and Flanker, this is your opinion and a question of preference, mine is that the model of a design that was never turned into metal can be no less interesting than models of real things, where, if somebody likes it, they can check model dimensions to a 0.001 mm accuracy. I don't think I'm alone in thinking that way: how do you explain the popularity of Luftwaffe '46 models?
None of the models I mentioned was ever made by any model company. It's true that you can rework some of the available models into what I listed but this would take a lot of time, and at least for me, would be difficult. As a matter of fact, I'm struggling now with a MiG 1.44 conversion to 1.42, however, given the number of aircraft I want to make models of, and the average lifespan, I would definitely opt for models of target aircraft, that wouldn't require weeks/months to convert: hence my appeal, if you don't like it just don't bother cotributing here.
I have absolutely no idea why you are so defensive.

I suggest you to read more careful one more time.

For Luft 46 models are atleast based on some kind of napkin drawing, at the very least. We don't have such luxery with MiG 1.42. As far as i know the absolutely closest thing we have about are Paralay drawings (which i don't know what are based on, it is possible just his assumptions) and intake drawing.

It isn't about
model dimensions to a 0.001 mm accuracy
, it is about that we don't know how the freaking thing looks. Didn't stop Dragon from making Stealth Hawk, but hey, atleast they had rotor.

But fine, go and ask for model of Sneaky Pete.
Flanker, I'm not defensive, I just can't understand why you are contributing to a thread you don't seem to be interested in. I'd like to be able to buy the models I mentioned above and that's it, so what's the fuss about? I read your post carefully and ,for a change, don't know how a napkin drawing is better than paralay illustrations.
Sneeky Pete ain't sexy enough.
however, given the number of aircraft I want to make models of, and the average lifespan,

1. Join the club.

2. Get off the computer. This is the biggest time waster in the world.
Foxglove said:
Flanker, I'm not defensive, I just can't understand why you are contributing to a thread you don't seem to be interested in. I'd like to be able to buy the models I mentioned above and that's it, so what's the fuss about? I read your post carefully and ,for a change, don't know how a napkin drawing is better than paralay illustrations.
Sneeky Pete ain't sexy enough.

Yes you are, as you just demonstrated with this post. I am interested in pretty much all those, i simply pointed out we have no clue how 1.42 looks. Jesus.

I give up. Sorry for disturbing this thread by pointing out your wish of an aircraft that we don't know how it looks.
I did some puttering around on the interwebs about the I.42/I.44 last night. This is my sense of it:

I.42 was the MiG corporate designation for a combat aircraft project broadly in the Typhoon class. It developed in fits and starts, and Russia pulled the plug on it in 1997. No metal was cut, and my guess is there was never a final design that would be meaningful in modelling terms.

I.44 was a prototype aircraft to test certain concepts. Despite the later designation number is simply a test bed for the I.42 program, and not an improved or follow-on to the I.42. You could compare it to the BaE EAP as a test vehicle for what became the Typhoon.

The probable service designation for the I.42 would be MiG-41. Now I did a Google image search for MiG I.42 and all the photos were of the I.44, and various drawings seemed to be of the I.44 also. I also did an image search for MiG-41. The only relevant pictures I got were of fanart.
It is not "I", it is 1. 1.42, 1.44 etc.

There are rumors 1.42 was made in mock up form. Not sure how true that is.
Thanks for the heads up, Flanker. Still getting the same stuff: 1.44, fan art, or irrelevance.
royabulgaf said:
Thanks for the heads up, Flanker. Still getting the same stuff: 1.44, fan art, or irrelevance.
1.44, fan art, or irrelevance?


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