Why hasn't Russia announced a new VTOL carrier-based fighter?

Vahe Demirjian

I really should change my personal text
28 February 2013
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With respect to naval VTOL fighters, it's interesting that Russia has not yet considered developing a VTOL fighter comparable to the F-35B but of the same performance as the Sukhoi T-50. As the F-35B can take off from both ships and unpaved airfields, why hasn't Russia announced plans for a dedicated supersonic VTOL fighter of similar performance and size to the F-35B (the Yak-41 was the last effort by Russia to develop a supersonic VTOL fighter and was cancelled long ago).
Bill Walker said:
Does Russia still have (or plan to have) aircraft carriers? That may be the answer.

Yes but its STOBAR and currently uses Su-33 Sea Flankers which will be replaced in the short term by Mig-29K. Yes there are plans for a replacement carrier and for a Navalised development of the PAK-Fa.

Russia doesn't currently have a requirement for a STOVL combat aircraft, after the crash of the 2nd Yak-141 and the post cold war cut backs the funding has focused on STOBAR and possibly CATOBAR development with what funding it does have.

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