It always bug me on how come there is still no operational anti torpedo torpedo. We are at the point where we can make ballistic missiles interceptor that can intercept warhead moving at 10-20 times speed of sound. We also have hard kill protection system that small enough to fit on a tank that can even intercept APDSFS round that moving at Mach 5. So what make intercepting a torpedo moving at barely 60-70 km/h so hard?. Some mentioned that because the speed of sound is much slower than speed of radiowave. So sonar can’t keep up with torpedo. However I found that hard to believe. Speed of sound in water is still 4-5 times that speed of sound in the air, and torpedo are extremely slow compared to missiles. The engagement time should be very long. Some other people has suggest that torpedo launch are very hard to detect. This seem some what more reasonable. However, given that we literally have active soft kill decoys against torpedo. If your sonar can detect torpedo to deploy soft kill countermeasure, then it would only make sense that you can deploy your hard kill one. And it is not like torpedo are easy to jam either. Wake homing torpedo were said to be unjamable