Who operates Area-51 ?

Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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there allot speculation about was tested and stored on Area-51
but few about who run the place !

with U-2 and OXCART Program in beginn, is most consistent that Area-51 start as CIA facility
is it still today operates by CIA or was the facility hand over to USAF or to DARPA some time ago ?
or is this a joinventure CIA and USAF ?
last one is indication by Have Donut and Have Blue program
Michel Van said:
blackstar said:
The Reptilloids.

Wat them too ?! ;)

It was commonly thought that the Greys were in charge, and the Reptilloids were subcontractors, tasked with cleaning the latrines, taking out the trash, mopping the floors, etc. Turns out that that's what the Reptilloids wanted you to think. They were in charge all along. They finally fired the Greys. Then they ate them.
Michel Van said:
there allot speculation about was tested and stored on Area-51
but few about who run the place !

with U-2 and OXCART Program in beginn, is most consistent that Area-51 start as CIA facility
is it still today operates by CIA or was the facility hand over to USAF or to DARPA some time ago ?
or is this a joinventure CIA and USAF ?
last one is indication by Have Donut and Have Blue program

Until recently, the land was owned and managed by DOE with USAF as a tenant. USAF only got control of the land recently.
Originally CIA operated the facility, but it was turned over to USAF in the 70s as detachment 3 of the air force flight test center.
The dictator Khan Noonien Singh and fellow Augment followers stole the DY-100 prototype from Groom Lake in the year 1996.

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