Which unbuilt British secret project left the biggest hole?

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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I think we have had similar threads on which secret project we most like but this one focuses on the impact of not building a British.secret project on our armed forces and industry?

My candidate is the 1966 cancellation of CVA01 and CVA02.

Removing the UK ability to build and deploy fixed wing aircraft carriers hollowed out the RN to be an ASW escort force for NATO.
IMHO failure to develop either or both of the Fairey Delta 3 or the P.1121 to at least the flying prototype stage, or to go halves on the Arrow with Avro Canada, cost the British aero industry a vital development cycle with respect to mastering the integration of airframes, weapons (particularly air-to-air) and avionics. This was the cycle the Americans got with respect to aircraft like the F-4.
The Devil tends to lurk in the details.

My theory holds that the NIGS System and Type 985 are likely the biggest missed opportunities of the lot.

Yes CVA-01 or more accurately a new design of 'modern' carrier does leave a pretty big hole and I am tempted to choose that. But it's form only really works well if a dozen UK elements are also funded to service.

But not funding, even to failure a PESA radar in the early 60’s and the 5 computer hierarchy of NIGS ADAWS. Left the UK overtaken in next generation radars and the complexity of AAWS computer systems.

Aegis essentially builds out of the experience of Typhon and has ultimately reaped substantial rewards for the US military and a capability no one wants to confront.

SIGS wasn't in the same league and again any domestic effort came to naught with Sea Dart mkII.

Hence Type 45, PAAMS and Aster.

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