What would happen if The 1st London Naval treaty hadn't signed?


ACCESS: Confidential
25 January 2021
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While I was looking for information because of the alternative history universe that I personally envisioned, I suddenly wondered what's happened if the 1st LNT hadn't signed.

What do you think happened?

*Digression: Originally, I was going to ask this question first and then KGV class design questions.

And if I have a time, I'll write about it.
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I've not finished writing what I want to say in your "Treaty System collapses in December 1934" thread.

Also the French & Italian foreign ministers signed it, but the French & Italian Parliaments didn't ratify it. So it's a grey area whether France & Italy had agreed to extend the battleship building holiday to the end of 1936.
I've not finished writing what I want to say in your "Treaty System collapses in December 1934" thread.

Also the French & Italian foreign ministers signed it, but the French & Italian Parliaments didn't ratify it. So it's a grey area whether France & Italy had agreed to extend the battleship building holiday to the end of 1936.
I forgot the thread; anyway thank you for your help. Your help made me to arrange my alternate timeline.
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