What is the plane in the Secret Projects Logo


I really should change my personal text
1 August 2018
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I'm enjoying all the weird and unusual that people bring to this forum...and I have to ask what is the jet fighter (I assume) that is the logo?

Thanks and may all your reference images line up!
I saw a thread but forgot the name. I think it had something to do with maneuverability and there were proposals to arm it with 105mm recoilless cannons. There was also speculation that one version of it was meant for airborne aircraft carriers and someone wondering how it actually would have downed a Foxbat I think.

Also, that weird fin in the front? It's on the bottom, not a canard. Bizarre.

EDIT: That has got to be the most un-useful post I've made on this board.

EDIT 2: Well I found a post involving the cannon part.


EDIT 3: I can't read. Trying to find more.


EDIT 4: Again, I can't read. I also completely misinterpreted everything except the recoilless rifle part.

It's called the Mcdonnell Douglas Model 265 Vectored Lift Fighter. I'm still not entirely sure what the "vectored lift" part means.

EDIT 5: I don't remember where that microfighter variant was or if it was even related now. Mentioning it was a mistake, especially given that the thread where I saw it doesn't seem to be bringing anything up. Bah!

Your're welcome, newbies. ;) :)
Thank you!

Really interesting to get the three views for it and also find out its place in history. There's a lot of really cool things that happened out there!

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