Westland drawing numbers


Fight for yor Right!
14 January 2007
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Hi all,

Westland had many unnumbered projects, so I think it is good to collect them with drawing numbers, but there are three or more systems...

P.-system (not official) - possible for Petter

P.1005 - S.6/43 torpedobomber 1943
P.1056 - bomber 1944
P.1061 - bomber 1944

P.J.D.-system (also not official) after the Petter area?

P.J.D.129 - N.40/46 1946
P.J.D.142 - N.40/46 1947
P.J.D.143 - N.40/46 1947
P.J.D.144 - N.40/46 1947
P.J.D.198 - light communication 194?
P.J.D.203 - 26/49 transpoirt 1949

P.D.D.-system (also not official)

P.D.D. 45 - compound 1971

Anybody had more informations?

Servus Maveric
P.J.D.236 - Naval General Purpose light ASW - 1950
P.J.D.306 - rocket engined interceptor F.124T design A - 1952

found also a drawing number S.D.522 - 30-seat transport (22/46) - 1946

Servus Maveric
P.J.D.330 - Westland BEAline - transport helicopter

( Source: Stuck on the drawing Board - Richard Payne)

Dear Maveric, I can't help You ; I really want to know the projects You've mentioned :
P.1005 - S.6/43 torpedobomber 1943 ;
P.1056 - bomber 1944 ;
P.1061 - bomber 1944,
'cause I need them to fulfil my List of British Military Aicraft, cezured 1910 - 1950.
When I saw a title of Your thread I've looked in the Westland factory written in my favourites,
and the shock !!!
When I caught the site, it had the title http:///whl.co.uk and good sophistic and hedonic gods and goddesses
let me copy the Westland history to my word programm, attached ...
Now the site is titled http://www.agustawestland.com modern seeing its poor activity, without the history ...


  • British Aircraft - Westland Aircraft ( 1916 - 1935 ) Type List.doc
    305 KB · Views: 101
  • British Aircraft - Westland Aircraft ( 1936 - 1959 ) Type List.doc
    242 KB · Views: 80
It's P.1056 (Westland 1944 in description)?
Source: English Electric Aircraft and their Predecessors


  • westl44bomber.jpg
    92.6 KB · Views: 271

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