Westinghouse inspection satellite concept (1960)

Hmmm… Not Soviet. US project.
Caption says it's a project from 'Westinghouse'.
I can't tell you which one, because it is heavily (soviet style) restylized.

Rocket against rocket… It matches the versus theme. US projects vs Soviet projects and vice versa…

Is it a book on the space competition or rather on space defence? Protivo Kosmitcheskaya Oborona?

According to the text it is "Automatic interceptor-satellite from the Westinghouse company". Actually, it seems to be more an inspector one, since no warhead are mentioned.

1 - Axial nozzle
2 - inflatable dish of search & track radar
3 - telemetry aerial
4 - TV aerial
5 - radio beacon aerial
6 - command receiver
7 - thermocouple power source(s)
8 - attitude control nozzles
9 - offset displacement nozzles
10 - computing equipment
11 - sensor array (TV camera, IR scanner, radar systems)

(the next three numbers are for a small scheme of intercept in upper right corner)

12 - booster rocket second stage
13 - target satellite being inspected
14 - interceptor satellite

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