Wehrmacht 46


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22 January 2006
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A new tittle about III Reich unbuilt armoured vehicle projects?


Any infos?
Caution, this "excellent" site is highly biased. It`s sole purpose is to minimise german tank technology and painting superlatively the soviet counterpart. The soviets were not known for their accuracy and to be trustfull in their reports (otherwise you would be shot ;D)
Eventually you get some good information, but you have to separate the wheat from the chaff.
wehrmacht 46 tome 2


Looks interesting and I will no doubt buy it whatever, but I do hope it's based on fact rather than speculation, and that it incorporates real research, rather than being a roundup of others' work.
There are some internal pages also shown on that Facebook link and I have to say it doesn't look promising.
Looks interesting, but I´m more reluctant. What can be seen on the FB side seems like the old und fundamental research done by Rössler and Fock only hoked up by some colour profiles."Armes nuclaires" hints to no good direction. We do not have deep knowledge on this subject at all. Newer research done by Karlsch, G. Nagel or Mark Walker draw a nuanced picture - and I do not see such a publication coping with that....
I may be blasé but I don't see anything new in the pages shown. But they do have nice drawings which maybe usefull before attempting to scratch a model.

Orionblamblam said:
And they make some fundamental mistakes in the graphics on the cover. Not encouraging.

Portraying the swastika in public is illegal in many territories where the publisher wishes to sell it...like France...
The swastika is censored in france... and I dont see the bias here... And that's just a cover,maybe they will just tell the nuclear research in germany(they did it in ligne de front)... Dont judge a book from his cover please.
sgeorges4 said:
The swastika is censored in france...

and yet . . .



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Well,I dont know...But in the ligne de front,thy say that theyr no way for a german atomic bomb.
Dunno why... that kind of cover makes me think about one of my favorite film scene ...

But I know it's bad to judge on the look... it may be very interesting inside.
Is there a release date for this yet?

I can't seem to find one anywhere.
released(2 year of patience!):
For the nuclear,they just tell the research about that,and they not say that the german have the bomb.
For me,the chapter about the kriegsmarine is the more interessing with the luftwaffe one.
sgeorges4 said:
For the nuclear,they just tell the research about that,and they not say that the german have the bomb.
For me,the chapter about the kriegsmarine is the more interessing with the luftwaffe one.

Thanks for your review. Sounds promising. Meanwhile I´ve got the first volume, and have to say, that it is good. And it provides the oppurtunity to refresh my french... ;)
I'm reading the chapter aboot the luftwaffe,they speak about the henscel HS 132(wich was missing on the luftwaffe 1946 HS[ J-C Mermet say to me that he has forgoten this project). They also speak about the waffen SS and the SS-flieger.
PS:This book give me the desire to bought more model :D
I read all of it,and well they don't say that german have nuclear bomb(even for them it's not possible),but I don't know why they dont talk about the recce version of the 262(A1/U3,A5a):

I find it weird that they don't speak about the Fw 190 d,because a lot of D9/D13 where in production at the end of the war,and the D15 prototype seem to be in construction at this time... They also didn't talk about the Bloàhm und voss P194 nachtjäger,I write that beacause they talk about this project,so why not a simple line just for saying that this variant also exist on paper.
My theory: They've got a limited place and a limited number of page,that's why the talk about them).

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