We Probably Don't Have That Long Until A Huge Solar Flare Hits Earth, According To This Study


Senior Member
21 January 2015
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Perhaps 2020 is not the best year to be publishing this:

Risks for Life on Habitable Planets from Superflares of Their Host Stars

We explore some of the ramifications arising from superflares on the evolutionary history of Earth, other planets in the solar system, and exoplanets. We propose that the most powerful superflares can serve as plausible drivers of extinction events, and that their periodicity corresponds to certain patterns in the terrestrial fossil diversity record. On the other hand, weaker superflares may play a positive role in enabling the origin of life through the formation of key organic compounds. Superflares could also prove to be quite detrimental to the evolution of complex life on present-day Mars and exoplanets in the habitable zone of M- and K-dwarfs. We conclude that the risk posed by superflares has not been sufficiently appreciated, and that humanity might potentially witness a superflare event in the next $\sim {10}^{3}$ years, leading to devastating economic and technological losses. In light of the many uncertainties and assumptions associated with our analysis, we recommend that these results should be viewed with due caution.

Gonna be considerable loss if its occur.

Space sector would take the biggest hit. Satellites may be damaged, Astronauts might need to be called back. If we have manned labs on the moon, they better have deep radiation shelter too.
The damage would be far worse than that, it's speculated a Carrington-type event could take out every grid-connected transformer on the planet.

But the probabilities are low. Carrington-type they put at 1 in 10 in the next decade, but note that it's been 150 years since the last one (unless we count the 2012 CME in which case we just reset the clock). 1 in 2000 years for one causing damage equal to planetary GDP. One with 100 times the energy of that, 1 in 1000 over a century, about the chance of a 2km asteroid strike, and they conclude that none of the 5 mass extinctions are consistent with a flare, so an extinction level one hasn't happened in at least 5x26Myrs.
Dry roasted and I'll make mine a pint gallon of King Goblin. She's been a busy ol' girl, Our Sol.

For those who like Stout or Porter, Old Engine Oil from, https://harviestoun.com/ is something else and then some. Reasonable and can be delivered too. Yum. Edit, they have Ola Dubh, meaning ‘Black Oil’ in Gaelic which is expensive but liquid gold. magic if you can get some. Chilled it's purrrrfect.
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