The present invention relates generally to airplanes. More particularly the invention relates to that type of airplane which is primarily designed for use in observation or photographic work and comprises a fuselage together with wings, empennage, propelling mechanism and landing gear.
One object of the invention is to provide an airplane of this type which is generally an improvement upon and has certain inherent advantages over previously designed observation airplanes and is characterized by the fact that the fuselage is so designed and constructed that the
pilot and observer have unobstructed vision through substantially all parts or portions of it.
Another object of the invention is to provide an observation airplane of the type under consideration in which the fuselage comprises the usual longerons, cross members and internal reinforcing members and embodies as a shell a framework of geodetic or latticed design together with flexible transparent plates across the spaces between the diagonally extending members of the framework.
A further object of the invention is to provide an observation airplane of the aforementioned type in which the fuselage is substantially ellipsoidal in contour or shape and embodies at the rear end thereof a narrow tailboom for supporting the empennage.
A still further object of the invention is to provide an airplane of the last mentioned character or type in which the fuselage is substantially elliptical in cross section and is of greatest thickness from top to bottom, and the empennage supporting tailboom is fixed to the rear end of the fuselage at a point above the longitudinal center line of the fuselage with the result that the observer in the rear of the fuselage is able to see clearly under the empennage and may look rearwards, as well as rearwards and downwards without any appreciable obstruction.