Vulcan early design development at Aeroplane March 2008 issue


ACCESS: Top Secret
Senior Member
17 February 2006
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In the Aeroplane of next month -March 2008- will be
a feature which could be interesting.
Title : Avro Vulcan - Early concepts revailed.
Re: Aeroplane March 2008

From Tony Buttler?
Re: Aeroplane March 2008

Antonio ,

It's written by David Fildes with illustrations by Ian Bott and Mario Lendval.
" Avro Vulcan , Early concepts revealed"

more :
Re: Aeroplane March 2008

Wow, thanks for the info. I'm going to order a copy.

Please take a look at these wonderful animations:
Re: Aeroplane March 2008

Dig dig, the aeronautical projects mine is never ending, like the Moria caves !!! :eek: ;D
Vulcan "might-have-been"

Sorry if this is posted elsewhere, however;

This month's "Aeroplane" magazine (March) has an article on a quick sketch for an early version of the Vulcan - a sort of flying wing with wide oblong intake under the nose.

It also references a 3-D animation at :-

(It also lists Ian Bott's web site at )


As an aside I also noted that in their events diary that on 13th February there is a London Society of Air-Britain lecture entitled "The Secret World of Vickers Guided Missiles" by John Forbat, at the Victory Club, W2 - ref.

Flippin' heck, this looks brilliant! Thanks for the heads up, guys! ;)

I'm slightly confused, though - Ian Bott's site says March 2007, which must be wrong...

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