Correction to my first post it was a Vickers SP2 short-range disposable bomber. I did some research on that it was a comtemporary of the Bristol Red Rapier Type 182.
From Greg Goebel's website
The Vickers Red Rapier was the "Type 725" or "SP.2" and it was simple to the point of crude in its appearance, the design concept being to make it as easy to produce and cheap as possible. The Vickers 725 Red Rapier featured a spikelike fuselage; a rectangular wing perched on top of the fuselage; and a swept tail assembly, with a small turbojet mounted on the tip of the tailfin and on the ends of the tailplane, for a total of three engines. The planned powerplant was the Rolls-Royce Soar turbojet with 7.8 kN (795 kgp / 1,750 lbf) thrust. Length of the Type 725 was 13.8 meters (45 feet 5 inches), span was 9.75 meters (32 feet), and the launch weight was 5,445 kilograms (12,000 pounds). Construction was to be of cheap soft steel, mostly in the form of sheet metal.
Thanks for the assistance.