VHF AM COM Radios on RAF and FAA Jets


ACCESS: Top Secret
2 April 2020
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I'd like to inquire about the time span of the VHF AM radios usage on the RAF jets. The VHF AM radios became omnipresent on RAF fighters during the early years of WW II. They replaced the troublesome TR9 HF sets, which were plagued by failures and short range. There were numerous VHF AM sets used on RAF's aircraft to include the TR1934, TR1935, TR1936, TR1938, TR1133, TR1143, among others. Then came the venerable TR5043 (US designation: SCR-522). After WW II, the Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., London (STC) introduced the STR.9 VHF AM radios in various versions known as the TR1985, TR1986, TR1987, or TR1988, which served on the first and second generation British jets. My question is: when exactly were the VHF AM radios phased out by RAF and FAA, and replaced with UHF military airband sets on military jets? Was the transition from VHF fast or gradual?

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