I guess Mr. Trevithick isn't a ship nerd. He took a section about the patrol ship's armament ("the Naiguatá has a 76mm main gun in a turret forward of the main superstructure, as well as a pair of 20mm cannons and two .50 caliber machine guns") almost straight from one of his sources (Infodidensa). Problem is, it's obviously wrong just from looking at the pictures and associated video. There's a 76mm forward, yes, but also a pretty prominent 35mm Millennium gun aft overlooking the helo deck. No sign of 20mm that I can find. The Navantia video he linked shows the weapons firing, which is a pretty good hint.

He's also confused about how commercial ship tonnage is measured. He talks about Resolute having "a gross tonnage of around 8,445 tons at the time." Gross tonnage is a measurement of a ship's enclosed volume; it doesn't change unless you start modifying the ship's structure. It's definitely not equal to the actual weight of the ship. Comparing to the patrol ship's displacement of 1720 tons full load is comparing apples and oranges,

Sorry for the pedantry. I'm bored today. I blame COVID.
Figures someone beat me to the punch with nothing else going on.
Don't worry for Venezuela, that screwball Maduro has his grandmother recipe to fight COVID.
Hopefully it won't work
For him.
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Not seen the actual footage myself.
Imagen del guardacostas hundido:

Imagen del Resolute

Imagen de como fue embestido:
Did they honestly think that the cruise ship could stop in that short of distance?
As far as I can make out, the graphics are trying to claim Resolute (the liner) turned into and rammed Naiguata (cambio de rumbo brusco = abrupt change of course) . Given the relative handling characteristics of a 1,450t 22kt naval vessel and an 8,400 gt, 16kt liner, that would imply the Naiguata's crew were asleep at the wheel and even more incompetent than in the scenario where they rammed Resolute.

As far as I can make out from the video clip earlier in the thread, which has clearly been deliberately cut so as not to show the circumstances leading up to the ramming (draw your own conclusions), there doesn't seem to be any evidence that the Naiguata was trying to turn away, the bow of the Resolute seems to maintain a fairly constant heading wrt the hull of the Naiguata, even as the point of contact slides aft - which IMO actively implies Naiguata was steering dead ahead across Resolute's bows rather than trying to turn away.

As to what they were thinking, I don't think they were. Because it looks like they may have tried either to play chicken, in which case your comment applies, or deliberately tried to force her bow around, in which case someone needs a lesson in the basic laws of physics, never mind seamanship.

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