You are correct it never was a MiG project but someone, MiG or Aerorik, tried (on the basis of the Ta-4 experience which is similar) because it is where I got the brochure among other partnership projects, when I was involved with one of those.
Maybe the connection is too tenuous to justify its presence in this thread.
toura said:
A little drawing from "AIR iNTERNATIONAL"
volume 51 n°2
The Mig 115 project
Biplane, the hight wing is behind the low one
1 turbo TVB 20 M 1350 hp
span hight wing : 15.00 m
low wing : 12.20 m
lenght : 14.66 m
speed maxi : 410 km/h

Pretty neat - a small An-2 successor? It'd be interesting to see range and runway lengths for such a project.
HI Avimimus

yes, an AN 2 successor project
But nothing more........sorry.
it did look more like mix of Porter Pilatus and Rutan Quickie. One of designers was current T-50 Chief Designer Davidenko.


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A medium bomber design supposedly by MIG.


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Great pictures my dear Flateric,

and in that site;
there is also a project for tactical fighter in two configurations,one had delta wing and the
other had a variable geometry wing,and the design was created in 1964 ?.
Wil said:
A medium bomber design supposedly by MIG.

I could swear that's some CGI i saw somewhere else on the net, i cannot remember now under what context ( LRS maybe?) but that is definitely not MiG or even russian . Stars are photoshoped.
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
hesham said:
Great pictures my dear Flateric,

and in that site;
there is also a project for tactical fighter in two configurations,one had delta wing and the
other had a variable geometry wing,and the design was created in 1964 ?.

Um, MiG-23?

You are right my dear Paul,

because they put it in the same section of MiG-23,but why they seperate it from
Model 23.01 as in the table,in the book (MiG Fifty Years of Secret Aircraft Design)
mention that,there is a number of patents led to develop the Model 23.01.


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In the mid - late '90s, the MiG stealth bomber was shown in Flight International. It was attributed to MiG in that caption. It's posted elsewhere in SP, but IIRC, was just a notional MiG design.
famvburg said:
In the mid - late '90s, the MiG stealth bomber was shown in Flight International. It was attributed to MiG in that caption.


Best wishes...!
famvburg said:
In the mid - late '90s, the MiG stealth bomber was shown in Flight International. It was attributed to MiG in that caption. It's posted elsewhere in SP, but IIRC, was just a notional MiG design.

Oh i see. Something like the MiG-2000. Thanks for the clarification. :)

anther mystery,the Model 23.31,we know it allocated to MiG-23-98 and MiG-23UB-99,but
here is anther three unknown projects,also get the designation 23.31,they are;

MiG-23K shipboard fighter project of 1977,based on MiG-23ML,with single R-100 engine

MiG-23K also a shipboard fighter project,with increased wing span and retractable refueling
boom,and powered by two RD-33 engine
MiG-23I with upgrade radar and new missile
hesham said:

also from that great site,the MiG 518-55 was an enlarged
version of the MiG-29,or it is misprint and he means MiG-25,
who can explain that ?.

MiG-31 518-55


Early MiG-29


hesham said:

anther mystery,the Model 23.31,we know it allocated to MiG-23-98 and MiG-23UB-99,but
here is anther three unknown projects,also get the designation 23.31,they are;

MiG-23K shipboard fighter project of 1977,based on MiG-23ML,with single R-100 engine

MiG-23K also a shipboard fighter project,with increased wing span and retractable refueling
boom,and powered by two RD-33 engine
MiG-23I with upgrade radar and new missile

Well known projects - from Andrei Fomin's Su-33 book:


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Excellent my dear Paul,

I have never seen like those fighters before,and can I ask you about the second
drawing (MiG-23K),was it a twin engined ?.
I have a Question regarding the tail section of the Mig-23 A and K.. Why did they bring back the design of MF variants? i thought such design were abounded after the MF variants(post MF variants)



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Ardavan.K said:
I have a Question regarding the tail section of the Mig-23 A and K.. Why did they bring back the design of MF variants? i thought such design were abounded after the MF variants(post MF variants)


-K : has a whole new tail.
-A : don't know why its got a MiG-23M style tail. Probably due to balance reasons. 23ML cut avionics weight in the nose, and balanced with weight savings in rear including the cut-down fin.
But you also have to note the K also has a taller vertical tail than the other variants, which was probably done due to the greater side surface area of the nose with the raised cockpit.
In the book; Mikoyan MiG-21 by Bill Gunstone;

I found a chapter on MiG Ye-9 aircraft,but the book was from 1986,and I want
to check if that designation is right or not ?.


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hesham said:
In the book; Mikoyan MiG-21 by Bill Gunstone;

I found a chapter on MiG Ye-9 aircraft,but the book was from 1986,and I want
to check if that designation is right or not ?.

Also from Flieger Revue 5/1982,here is a small info about Ye-9 designation.


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hesham said:
By the way,

MiG-18 was 50 passenger airliner project,see also Jane's all the world's aircraft 1993-1994.
MiG-24 was transport aircraft project,see also Jane's all the world's aircraft 1991-1992.


here is the MiG-18-50 Project.

Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1991-1992


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From Flying Review 6/1957,

they spoke about mixed powered interceptor could attain 2.5 Mach,did they mean the
MiG Ye-50 or anther project ?.


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From Kryl'ya Rodine 2015-04/05;

here is the MiG Aircraft 4.12 and 5.12 Projects.


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hesham said:
From Kryl'ya Rodine 2015-04/05;

here is the MiG Aircraft 4.12 and 5.12 Projects.

Also in my files,

MiG developed a duck or canard shape bomber project of 1990s ?.
Also from my files,until I remember the source,

MiG Aircraft-723 was a project for MiG-21bis with increased wingspan and 6 underwing
suspension units.

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