Variance of handling test reports


I really should change my personal text
29 June 2012
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I have just read two quite interesting accounts regarding the Pe-2. In Peter C. Smith's Crowood book there is a test account by "Squadron Leader Lapraik". In s Finnish book there is a test assessment by Warrant Officer Aarne Siltavuori. There are substantial differences between their opinions. For example, Lapraik describes the undercarriage action as "harsh" whereas Siltavuori opines it is very soft and comfortable, even so soft that with the stick back while turning while taxiing the tail hits the ground.

Then on landing, Lapraik opines it has tendency to hop (due to "harsh" undercarriage) and that Russkies recommend slightly tail up landing. Yet, Siltavuori opines that landing is easy provided one does a 3-point landing because a landing on main wheels causes bouncing and makes maintaining direction is less easy.
There is usually wide variation between pilots

Postwar in the West then assessment stabilised around the Cooper-Harper rating scale, and the defined categories within it. But you're still averaging from the range of test pilots.

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