At the A.N.Tupolev Kazan state technical university under the leadership of professor V.A.Pavlov a supersonic vertical takeoff airplane with retractable main rotor is created in which generally different scheme of blade retraction is used making the structure lighter and compact, thus more attractive for use (in figures, the flying model for testing the lifting system is presented).During the transfer to the airplane mode of flight the blades are retracted inside the disc wing.= The retraction takes place in the plane of rotation at the expense of kinetic energy, therefore, there is no need in additional reduction gearboxes, transmissions and power units. For this, geometry of the flying vehicle is not changed, so the danger of transitional modes is sufficiently lowered.The structure of the lifting system of the given flying vehicle unites the advantages of main rotor with those of disc wing having a wing profile in the cross-section. The round in plan shape gives two benefits: the first one - the stable flight at any angle of attack up to 90 degrees, thus excluding spin even at the lowest speeds; the second one - the excellent mating of the disc with helicopter way of creating a lift.On the basis of the given scheme in KAI are developed the projects of supersonic rescue-airplane, recoverable spacecraft, high-speed vertical takeoff airplane for domestic freight and passenger traffic.