V-2 (Vergeltungswaffe 2) / Aggregat 4 (A-4)


ACCESS: Top Secret
12 March 2021
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I don't know if this is the appropriate thread for the below Scott Manley video so if it isn't would one of the mods move it to the right thread please:

It's well known that after World War II the rocket scientists involved with the V-2 were recruited to the the US under Project Paperclip, but the exact evolution of the Model 39 rocket engine used on the V-2 into the engines used by US rockets is less well known.The engine was far from perfect and US engineers tore them apart and designed improvements, ultimately the majority of US launch vehicles had engines with some heritage from the V-2.
A lot of relevant information comes from the Engine History Website
Also thanks to the amazing Hero Relics website for many great scans of historic imagery
List of all US Rocket engines including the early Model 39 copies
I'm rather surprised the Mods created a new thread for this as I'd have thought that the A-4/V-2, given its historic importance in the field of rocketry, would've have already had its' own dedicated thread.

Anyway if anyone else has A-4/V-2 related stuff to post, post away!
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