USS Santa Cruz IOWA battleship carrier conversion


ACCESS: Restricted
22 October 2009
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Thought some folks might want to take a look at this. It's a model I am currently finishing of an Iowa battleship converted to an aircraft carrier, circa 1940's.
I don't know what references my modeling friend used when he initially started building the model before he eventually gave it to me. I can only assume he based it on this drawing here:
With the timeline you are working in, would the bulbous bow not make a reasonable addition? They would have known about this feature and its advantages.


  • Bulbous Bow.jpg
    Bulbous Bow.jpg
    5 KB · Views: 190
Foo Fighter said:
With the timeline you are working in, would the bulbous bow not make a reasonable addition? They would have known about this feature and its advantages.

Perhaps? But since a real ship was never built and the only preliminary plan is what I showed in the second link, we'll never really know. Whatever the Iowa carrier conversion could have, should have, or would have is purely speculative and guesses.
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