Using ICBMs and MIRVs to kill Aircraft Carriers


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 August 2009
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Have ICBMs ever been considered for use against carriers? If it were possible to target a carrier in the ocean that is moving. Has this ever been studied or is it just too difficult a task?

Would Russia and China possibly be working on something like this as a way to destroy carrier groups?

Isn't the Topol M able to be reprogrammed after launch and could be used in this way?
Are nukes that effective against ships?
Unless.. maybe.. EMP/Neutron enhanced weapons would be utilized..
kcran567 said:
Would Russia and China possibly be working on something like this as a way to destroy carrier groups?

Yes, China supposedly has a weapon that is intended to do this.

If you think that's crazy, try using a ballistic missile and MARV to shoot down an *aircraft*.
kcran567 said:
Have ICBMs ever been considered for use against carriers?,21495.0.html
J.A.W. said:
Are nukes that effective against ships?
Unless.. maybe.. EMP/Neutron enhanced weapons would be utilized..

The first Bikini Atoll bomb was an airburst as shown here. The second bomb was detonated under water and sunk all the targets. Further testing indicated that even in deep water depth charge explosions of nuclear bombs would do the trick against surface ships.
quellish said:
kcran567 said:
Would Russia and China possibly be working on something like this as a way to destroy carrier groups?

Yes, China supposedly has a weapon that is intended to do this.

If you think that's crazy, try using a ballistic missile and MARV to shoot down an *aircraft*.

I've often wondered about the possibility of using ESSM in an air-launched mode with everything forward of the motor section an RV-type body. The motor section just sends it on a high ballistic trajectory (obviously not ICBM high) that dives down on it's target from above. It would be interesting if they did something like this (or more what you describe) with a notional "SM-7".
J.A.W. said:
Are nukes that effective against ships?

I've read , that in those good old days, when the USN still used multi carrier task forces,
the carriers were positioned on the periphery of a circle that way, that a single 1 Mt nuclear
weapon, could take out only a single carrier.
So nukes were at least credited with a certain lethality against ships, I think.
sferrin said:
I've often wondered about the possibility of using ESSM in an air-launched mode with everything forward of the motor section an RV-type body. The motor section just sends it on a high ballistic trajectory (obviously not ICBM high) that dives down on it's target from above. It would be interesting if they did something like this (or more what you describe) with a notional "SM-7".

Nice way to kill targets in a perfect system but the problem with this and most long range kill vehicles is targetting. How are you going to ensure that the RV is coming down into an engagement zone within which is the target. Easy to do if the target is a 747 on a regular flight path from which it never deviates but not so in a battlefield against an enemy asset.
Abraham Gubler said:
sferrin said:
I've often wondered about the possibility of using ESSM in an air-launched mode with everything forward of the motor section an RV-type body. The motor section just sends it on a high ballistic trajectory (obviously not ICBM high) that dives down on it's target from above. It would be interesting if they did something like this (or more what you describe) with a notional "SM-7".

Nice way to kill targets in a perfect system but the problem with this and most long range kill vehicles is targetting. How are you going to ensure that the RV is coming down into an engagement zone within which is the target. Easy to do if the target is a 747 on a regular flight path from which it never deviates but not so in a battlefield against an enemy asset.

If you had eyes on the target constantly (AWACS, or some other source) and were feeding midcourse updates to the missile I don't think getting it in the right "basket" would be a problem. (See CEC with the current SM-6.) Maybe the initial ID would be difficult though? Or maybe you're talking about the proverbial "furrball" where enemies and friendlies are in close proximity with rapidily changing positions/directions? Maybe there would be limitations to it's use but it could earn it's keep by keeping missile launching aircraft out of arm's reach. Just a thought.
Ahis exactly what the DF-21d is for. There is much debate as to whether the Chinese have the capability to, as mentioned above, get eyes on target and provide unjammable mid course updates to the warhead.

Given the fuss that this carrier killer nonsense (you know its something when they're talking about it on Fox news) at least some reasonable people think it's possible and the Chinese who have spent a mint developing it certainly do...

Given that the DF-21d is supposed to have conventional (non nuclear) configurations they must be pretty confident about the whole chain from detection through correction and hit. The CEP must be pretty phenomenal to land a blow on a carrier at a few thousand clicks and that being the case a nuclear version would be a very potent weapon.

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