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This reliance on drones for air superiority scares me. Its never been proven. So rushing into it seems frought with risk that could be mitigated with a manned platform meanwhile progressing progressively towards drones.

I hope they don't throw away the baby with the bathwater on the manned component of ngad and it's something that can't double as a fighter when called on.

Why not develop a smallish or medium size single without the a2g whizbang electronics that can eventually be unmanned? Why not something like the 35 but dedicated for air combat without the space for 4000lbs of bombs?

The dollars I've seen floated certainly seem like they could do it this way.

I think drones are the future but I fear we're not there yet. For some reason it seems drones for ground strike are within reach, but air combat is so fluid and i don't the tech is perfected yet. It seems for air combat they are just moving the human element off board which opens up defeating a drone force just by jamming communications and in not ready to believe we're quite there with flying terminators.

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