A couple F414 would be underpowered for any potent F/A-XX. Unless you have three of them! But nobody would do that, right?
A couple F135, unless downsized, downrated and with a significant SFC reduction, would be too much of everything, unless the Navy wants an aircraft at the very limits of the catapults and arresting gear. Remember that every operationnal modern aircraft (bar maybe a couple exceptions) are heavier than originally conceived, and tends to gain weight during their service life.
A single uprated F135 and a surprising naval "F-16XL style Crusader 4"? Wild option but why not!
F110 family evolution sounds promising. Used and known on the carriers from early 90's (F-14 Bravo and Delta) to mid 2000's, with good records.
My personal feeling (for what it worth) is toward a F-14 sized aircraft, slightly heavier (internal weapons bay, large fuel tanks) with evolved F110 engines. Maybe conservative in some ways, but more practical, economical and "down to earth" (or sea) than some concepts floating around.