USAF SU-27 ?


ACCESS: Top Secret
4 May 2008
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From here :

Supersonic Sukhoi
I observed this Sukhoi flying around between Red Flag sorties. Approximately 15 miles NE of Rachel. I'm pretty sure this aircraft is operated by the Red Hat Squadron, out of Area 51.

Prior to this shot, he had been high enough to generate a contrail. Thus, I was able to keep my camera on him as he dove down and went past mach 1. Needless to say, the sonic boom was awesome.

On a side note, there was a lone EA-18G Growler in the area at the same time. Coincidence?

Normally, I wouldn't post a photo of such horrible quality. But I thought a few of you might find it interesting.


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seruriermarshal said:
the photo take in March 10 . 2009 .

Yes, that is one of the ex-Belarus Su-27s that lives on the ranges.
An EA-18G in the area is not suprising-the FLANKER looks to be carrying wingtip ECM pods.

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