USA Unknown Transatlantic Triplane Project of 1917


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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here is a four engined huge transatlantic triplane project of 1917,appeared in the
American Aerospace Exhibition in New-York,and I can ID it,can anybody help ?.


  • zeitschrift-flugsport-1917-luftsport-luftverkehr-luftfahrt-49.jpg
    49.2 KB · Views: 325
With its size. and the presence of a promenade deck - I would say fantasy. It looks similar in size to a Dornier Do-X. That needed in excess of 7000 hp to lift off. No engines of sufficient power were available in 1917.
It's only said, that this drawing is from an advertising poster for an aviation exhibition
during February 1917 in New York. Judging similar posters and ads from that time, I would
think, that it was a notional design, especially as the shown flying boat seems to be very
big indeed, compared to the size of the windows.
Thank you my dears Arjen and Jemiba.
I subscribe to all that Arjen and Jemiba have said, and wish to add the completely improbable location of the engines... Given the way the propellers are centered, the engines would have to be flush with the middle wings, something which obviously no-one was even remotely capable of doing in 1917. This leads me to believe that this is merely an artist's fantasy, done by someone with very limited technical knowledge.
OK my dears,

I convince with that opinion,and we can transfer it into Theoretical and Speculative section.

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