US theatre entry/ bare base airlifter


ACCESS: Restricted
5 December 2008
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Hi All From a long time lurker.

I was wondering if anyone remembers a study, I think by kellog root and brown into forced entry systems for the US military, this would be late 1990s or earl 2000s and am positive it was in flight international.

One of the concepts mooted was a floating superbarge capable of taking C17's and C130's it had some CGI of C17s blasting off and TICOs sheperding it, the other and the intresting one was a large generic XXL C17 type airlifter, equipped to belly land into a empty piece of land, the premise was the airlifter would "crashland" into a austere location, the wings would be canabilised to create a PSP runway for follow on forces (A10/F16/F15) the engines would be used to be run as generators, cockpit converted to to 3C post and the aircraft would be packed with earth moving gear to create a permenant facilty.

Does anyone have any information on this, I have searched the web for it but am limited as I dont even know the study name.

Ring any bells?

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